What have you been doing today?

Ours used to go missing for the odd day on a regular basis and then a few overnights. Smelled of perfume when he came back so we knew someone else was feeding and cuddling him. I may be just that, Sod. They are very independent. Hope you get her back soon. Try Pippa's Army - I think that’s a site specifically for lost and found cats.
Thanks for the tip.

Ours is painfully shy, wouldn't go in someone's house I don't think and doesn't venture from behind our house unless I go with her. She's frightened of everything. Very out of character. Am worried that being a bengal, she's more of a target.
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Sure did, there was a palm tree in the courtyard populated by doves, quite often the we got in from work there would be a doves head on the doormat, it lived in a flat with two Jack Russels and a bad tempered ginger tom, probably looking for some peace and quiet, it used to have a nap in the courtyard under the tree until the JRs were let out, they used to attack it in a playful way until Rusty stood his ground hissing with fur raised, JRs then retreated
Thanks for the tip.

Ours is painfully shy, wouldn't go in someone's house I don't think and doesn't venture from behind our house unless I go with her. She's frightened of everything. Very out of character. Am worried that being a bengal, she's more of a target.

Hope she turns up safe and well.
Today I have been walking around non-stop looking for our cat. She's gone missing and very out of character.
Now putting stuff up on social media, informing local vets. Life sucks.

Hope she turns up STFF. I'm not a cat lover specifically but hate the idea of pets going missing for whatever reason. Hope you find her soon. TIP: Leave a dish of her food in the garden but keep an eye on it in case another animal tries to eat it. She may come back when it starts getting dark.
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Sure did, there was a palm tree in the courtyard populated by doves, quite often the we got in from work there would be a doves head on the doormat, it lived in a flat with two Jack Russels and a bad tempered ginger tom, probably looking for some peace and quiet, it used to have a nap in the courtyard under the tree until the JRs were let out, they used to attack it in a playful way until Rusty stood his ground hissing with fur raised, JRs then retreated

Lucky you never had a Rhodesian Ridge back.
Thanks guys
It's not looking good I must say. She really is too shy to venture anywhere other than the church behind our house. She always comes when called so am certain we won't see her again.
Have updated chip company so they let local vets know and leafleted neighbours houses to check sheds. She's that shy she doesn't go into neighbours gardens - good job too because while I was dropping off leaflets, found out from one of my neighbours that her neighbour 2 doors down shot her cat dead because it went into his garden. Scum.
Hope she turns up STFF. I'm not a cat lover specifically but hate the idea of pets going missing for whatever reason. Hope you find her soon. TIP: Leave a dish of her food in the garden but keep an eye on it in case another animal tries to eat it. She may come back when it starts getting dark.
Yeah, we feed hedgehogs, so am sure it will get eaten by them!
She has a catflap so can come and go.
Thanks guys
It's not looking good I must say. She really is too shy to venture anywhere other than the church behind our house. She always comes when called so am certain we won't see her again.
Have updated chip company so they let local vets know and leafleted neighbours houses to check sheds. She's that shy she doesn't go into neighbours gardens - good job too because while I was dropping off leaflets, found out from one of my neighbours that her neighbour 2 doors down shot her cat dead because it went into his garden. Scum.

I would suggest going out after dark. She may be more likely to come out if she's been scared. And go further than you think she would go.
Sorry about that, Sod. I hope she turns up.
Almost afraid to ask but any luck Sod?

I am delighted to say we've got her! Was up at 5.30am walking the streets (couldn't sleep anyway) and no sign. Then at lunchtime a neighbour mentioned they saw her in a car park opposite our house yesterday morning at 7am. We never thought she went there other than in the middle of the night because it's so busy so grabbed my partner and we went walking in the fields and really searched the dense bushes further past the car park.. Nearly gave up and my partner heard her meow faintly. She was about 15 foot deep in stingers & brambles. We are now covered in stings and scratches (!) but we managed to get her out and home about an hour ago.

Very hungry, very scared and is now hiding under our bed. I don't think she would've come home because all around the field we found her are busy roads full of cars and people - her most feared things. So happy she's home at last. Thanks for all the advice & good vibes :)
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Yes, I think so. She really isn't one for going out the front of the house coz so busy. Always behind where the church and quiet streets are.
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