What have you bought today?

Perhaps they write addresses backwards, the same way Americans write dates backwards?
Flogged some silver and bought some half sovereigns, got a very good deal on them.
Hong Kong is in China, not China in Hong Kong.
But they do write their names in reverse, i.e surname first, then a middle name (sometimes a title referring to a Mr or a Mrs) then their Christian name.
Sometimes they will have a courtesy name added at adulthood. For example the courtesy name of 'Sui' given to males at aged 20 years.
It is more respectful to refer to them and address them by their courtesy name, rather than their given name.
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She has become incredibly vocal over recent years - sighs, blood-curdling moans etc., added to which, are the actions, such as walking back and forth, kicking the side of the mattress, and the long stares. She doesn't speak, but her actions and noises make it clear, just what she wants from you - though if you are unsure, you just need to go down the list of words she understands, until she reacts to the right one. She understands lots of spoken words.

Poor woman.
Done absolutely nothing today apart from drop my mate off at Tilbury cruise terminal and park his car up at mine for the week. Tomorrow - food shopping. Woohoo!
Done absolutely nothing today apart from drop my mate off at Tilbury cruise terminal and park his car up at mine for the week. Tomorrow - food shopping. Woohoo!

Likewise here. Avril away, so I binge watched a few things on Iplayer until late/early, then slept in until 11am. Fired off an email, to Parking Services, about all the parking, blocking local footpaths, despite yellow lines - they put the lines down several years ago, had bit of a purge, then absolutely no enforcement since. Received an email, confirming my blue badge, (re) application was approved, plus one from my local GP surgery.

I fired off an email, about their prescription review process. You only find out you need a review, when you login to their system, and try to request your meds, by which time it is too late to get an appointment for a review, the only way out is for them to just issue the meds without a review. Those who cannot use the online system, get even less warning. They have replied suggesting they will ring, or message in future, in plenty of time to arrange a review appointment.

Followed by a trip on the 'trolley', to Lidl, mainly to collect a sour dough loaf, and milk, plus anything else I spotted.

There was no sough dough loaves left, so just milk and a few other bits. Local rail station, along with rail itself, has been undergoing lots of upgrades and improvements, so on the way home, I diverted to take a look at the station improvements, including a new pedestrian bridge, and lifts, to avoid the stairs. The stairs were complete, but the two lifts were still boarded up.

Tuesday, we got a letter suggesting they would be turning the water off, yesterday afternoon, so I suggested Avril fill a camping type water carrier, just in case. She'd put the full carrier on the kitchen worktop, in the corner, unnoticed by me - it had leaked, soaked the worktop, then the floor, then a carpet. Next I found it had soaked into the composite corner post thingummy, to which one of the unit doors was attached, distortion of that post, meant the door wouldn't close.

I fitted the kitchen myself, but I haven't a clue how that post was installed. As luck would have it, I threw an identical length of the post material away, just a few weeks ago (I think I threw it out).
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Followed by a trip on the 'trolley', to Lidl, mainly to collect a sour dough loaf, and milk, plus anything else I spotted.
lol. Just got back from Lidl myself. Made the mistake of taking Mrs Mottie with me. She'd never been before and was captivated by the middle of Lidl bargains. She added a straw mat, coat hangers, a selection of popcorn, a pack of 4 avocados, clothes pegs, cotton wool pads and two mini bottles of Prosecco to the basket. I had to tell her to put the lathe down! ;)
Fixed it at the beginning of the month for 2 years again, just in time for today’s (and possibly Decembers) cap rises.

Cannot do much about the gas bill rate, it is fairly steady, but here is what I pay for each fuel, via the Tracker....

The dotted line is the SVP cost, the varying line below it, what I actually paid each day, over recent months.

Yesterday was 12.61p/4.76p, versus the SVP of 21.22p/5.45p. For my use, nothing comes close..

An oil pump, for changing the cars sump oil. I was never convinced a pump could remove nearly as much oil, as simply putting the car up on ramps, taking the engine under panel off, and the sump plug out, but it's a lot of effort, and not easy, laid on your back, to refit the under panel properly. Even many garages, with their easy access, fail to refit them properly.

Lidl had the pumps in, a few weeks ago(?), and the oil needed changing, but I hadn't quite made my mind up. This week, they had them discounted, I almost picked one up, but didn't. This morning I had decided to get one, if they had any left - they had a few, so I grabbed one, along with another sour dough loaf - I just needed it, for an excuse :unsure:

The bottom of my sump, is an awful long way down from the top of the dipstick pipe, and the suction pipe of the pump, is just a narrow bit of quite curly plastic pipe, so I had little confidence in the plastic pipe hitting the sump bottom, without curling back up, leaving lots of old oil at the bottom. So I modified the suction pipe, by making use of a length of copper brake pipe, which perfectly fitted into the suction pipe. I made the brake pipe long enough to hit the bottom, and still have some poking out above the top.

Now I just need to check if I have enough fresh oil in stock (BMW M45, takes quite a lot) and get a new oil filter, before I start pumping the old out.
I was never convinced a pump could remove nearly as much oil, as simply putting the car up on ramps, taking the engine under panel off, and the sump plug out,
You’d be surprised. A couple of times I've used the sucker, out of curiosity, I’ve also removed the sump plug to check and very little, if any, came out. I have a vacuum operated one with three different sizes of stiff plastic tubing.
You’d be surprised. A couple of times I've used the sucker, out of curiosity, I’ve also removed the sump plug to check and very little, if any, came out. I have a vacuum operated one with three different sizes of stiff plastic tubing.

That went well....

I decided not to both changing the oil-filter, it had only done just over 4K, according to my last note stuck on the battery top. '120,756 Oil, oil filter, air filter changed', present mileage 124,887.

I fired up the night heater/boiler/preheater, ran that long enough for it to begin ramping down, then started the engine, ran that long enough to warm the oil up. I then shut everything down and began pumping the old oil out, into the old mob bucket (the mop ringer broke), for which I had bought a replacement just yesterday. Ten, fifteen minutes later, the note of the pump motor changed, and the outflow reduced to almost nothing, a few more minutes, and the flow stopped completely.

My originally 25L barrel of oil, looked as if it had just about enough left in it, to refill - and there was, so I didn't even need to source any oil. So that's around £13 on the pump, £20 on the correct oil (that's what it cost when I bought it a few years ago), versus maybe £150 done by a garage and God Knows what oil shoved in it.
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