Where will this migrant crisis end?

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It's a shame your so sensitive.
I'm not sensitive Mitch or I wouldn't say what I say.
AJstoned is a coward though.

Fair play. I shouldn't have said you were. That's where I have difficulty getting my point over in print without saying the wrong thing. I do think though you would need to know someone in the real world to really suss whether they are a coward or not?
I do think though you would need to know someone in the real world to really suss whether they are a coward or not?
Internet coward then?

When I comment on things I look for no back-up, because there is a likelihood there will not be any.
When someone is in full rant, and everyone is on board, there is nothing worse for the ranter than someone throwing a spanner in.

This usually results in the ranter telling me I support this or condone that. Not true.
Yes but isn't your wife a migrant?
Your point being?
Does Joe ever have a point?
..Possibly not..

However, I'll give an answer.
I did answer before, but it was deleted by I presume the mods in a microsecond as it was probably deemed not pc.
I'll tone it down....

She came over from Slovakia circa 20 years ago (when they were not in the EU). Just to stay a year or so to study English and then go back. At that time, few people over there spoke English and you could get a good job and progress if you learnt it well.
Anyway, we met and got married. Despite that, we had to fill in reams of paperwork to show she would not be claiming from the state (which she never has). It took several years before she could apply for a UK passport and had to swear the oath etc. From the time she has been here she has worked and paid taxes. I don't think anyone minds that at all of any migrant. It's when people specifically try to come here for hand outs that most don't like.
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