Who uses Pagers these days anyway?

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Russia fund Hamas and Hezbollah ya muppet
Russia have diplomatic relations with Hamas, it doesn't mean they finance them, ya muppet.
Russia invests in Lebanon. and supports Hezbollah diplomatically, it doesn't mean it finances Hezbollah, ya muppet.
They also fought together in Syria.

But what is your argument?
Israel is sponsored by USA, UK and many other western nations. That's the way conflicts work. It's almost false flag operations.
You can't point the finger at one side and complain about their sponsors without recognising the sponsors of both sides.
They were in talks with Saudi and Israel about exactly that in Sept 2023., shortly before Oct 7th.
It seems that the view of the Saudi prince /king what ever he is feels he would be assassinated if he signed a peace deal with Israel. There were population problems when Egypt signed one.

The Arab League view is back to pre 67 boarders. From our point of view there appears to be little chance of them hitting the west with an oil embargo as too much is kicking around. That may relate to this
June 2024 Import Highlights The remaining top ten sources, in order, were Iraq (202,000 b/d), Colombia (187,000 b/d), Brazil (181,000 b/d), Ecuador (153,000 b/d), and Nigeria (117,000 b/d). Total crude oil imports averaged 6.7 million b/d in June, which was a decrease of 391,000 b/d from imports during May 2024.
Have the US more or less insulated themselves from the Arab states?

Russia involved against Israel. Think not. Certain weapons are missing but vague mentions that the may be about to supply Iran with some - defensive ones.
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Mrs Ten should relocate to Palestine, she will be happier there
You are adopting Notch's tactics of making false allegation because analysis and intellectual discussion is beyond your capability. :rolleyes:
I think yorksbuilder should remain in his little playpen. He'd be more content there.
It seems that the view of the Saudi prince /king what ever he is feels he would be assassinated if he signed a peace deal with Israel. There were population problems when Egypt signed one.

The Arab League view is back to pre 67 boarders. From our point of view there appears to be little chance of them hitting the west with an oil embargo as too much is kicking around. That may relate to this
June 2024 Import Highlights The remaining top ten sources, in order, were Iraq (202,000 b/d), Colombia (187,000 b/d), Brazil (181,000 b/d), Ecuador (153,000 b/d), and Nigeria (117,000 b/d). Total crude oil imports averaged 6.7 million b/d in June, which was a decrease of 391,000 b/d from imports during May 2024.
Have the US more or less insulated themselves from the Arab states?

Russia involved against Israel. Think not. Certain weapons are missing but vague mentions that the may be about to supply Iran with some - defensive ones.

Have a read, it's a decent article.

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