Who uses Pagers these days anyway?

Hezbollah are terrorists, there is no risk free way to deal with them
Hezbollah are a regional terrorist organisation, they have issues with Israel.
Please correct me if i am wrong but don't believe that Hezbollah are a threat to the UK.
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If both sides are as bad as each, both can be described the same in my book
Not really, the national interest has to be taken into consideration.
All governments routinely support terrorists / freedom fighters depending on the perceived threat or damage to national interests.
Not really, the national interest has to be taken into consideration.
All governments routinely support terrorists / freedom fighters depending on the perceived threat or damage to national interests.
Exactly the point.

The term is just a viewpoint
Hezbollah are a regional terrorist organisation, they have issues with Israel.
Please correct me if i am wrong but don't believe that Hezbollah are a threat to the UK.
I didn’t suggest they were a threat to the UK

But they are a proxy for Iran and Russia, they are a serious threat to Israel
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If thats the case why does the government support Israel.
Because it’s a wealthy country and beneficial as an ally, secondly it’s powerful enough to be a controlling influence in the Middle East and thirdly geo politics: Israel is effectively on the side of the West and against Iran, Russia and Arab nations / factions which dislike the West.
So why does the UK regard them as terrorists.
I never mentioned the UK

I said they were terrorists, which they are.

I find it strange how you are so desperately supportive of anything to do ,with Russia…..you post conspiracy theories and misinformation about the Ukraine war and here you are defending a terrorist group funded by Putin and Iran.

Shane on you
Could be a major strike on Hezbollah tomorrow while they're in complete disarray, somethings brewing.
That was the intention, the damage to Hezbollah is more psychological than physical.
The Israelis will need to put boots on the ground in Lebanon to achieve their objectives, that is when they will take losses.
So mossad can infiltrate Hezbollah enough to get these into the top guys pockets but seemingly knew nothing about oct 7 th even with egypt warning them
They haven't infiltrated Hezbollah, they have fed dodgy (modified) Chinese electronics into the supply chain.
Hezbollah would have been safer using Amazon prime, at least they would get their money back.
They haven't infiltrated Hezbollah, they have fed dodgy (modified) Chinese electronics into the supply chain.
Hezbollah would have been safer using Amazon prime, at least they would get their money back.
yeah they just guessed who would buy them then had a random guess at the individual numbers of the pagers that they chose to blow up .
: Israel is effectively on the side of the West and against Iran, Russia and Arab nations /
Israel is on the side of Israel, which is understandable.
That is why they sold American nuclear codes to the Russians in return for the Aliyah of Russian Jews.
As i have pointed out, National interest comes first.
FFS filly, when will you see that it a two way street? Too far down the rabbit hole I'm guessing.

The Middle East is at a crossroads and at the heart of that is a power struggle. Many people don't realise how some countries have evolved in the last 30 years. Jordan, once an arch enemy of Israel have had a peace agreement with Israel for the last 20 years, they have normalised relations and are jointly working on infrastructure projects together, I think a gas pipeline into Jordan has possibly commenced or is certainly on the cards. Egypt likewise, an even longer peace agreement and possibly the promise of a more prosperous future. One stable in their economy is the Suez Canal which accounts for a large slice of their GDP. More oil wells are appearing in the Sinai and the Sinai tourism industry has boomed in recent years, none of this could have been achieved without Israel helping Egypt to clear the Sinai of Isis terrorists, the Houthis causing ships to bypass the Suez is costing Egypt a lot of money.
The relationship with Egypt has become a little thorny in recent months because Egypt were responsible for security at their border with Gaza, the number and size of the tunnels crossing that border confirm that Hamas weapons and rockets have coming in via Egypt, that's why Israel want to maintain a presence at the Philadelphi corridor.
In September 2023 Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (Saudi Arabia) announced in an interview with Fox news that Saudi was growing closer by the day to signing an agreement normalising relations with Israel, for the agreement to get over the line 2 things needed to happen, a separate state for Palestine and security and arms guarantees to Saudi from America.
Mohammed bin Salman was confident that if they signed an agreement with Israel, other Islamic countries would follow. Bin Salman sees Saudi as the de facto leader in the Middle East,, his vision was/is that if they can put the years of Israeli Arab conflict behind them the Middle East would become a new Europe, peaceful and prosperous.

Then came October 7th

Iran also sees itself as the de facto leader of the Middle East. They've broken cover now but it's been clear for a long time they've funded Houthi rebels in the south which has long been a thorn in Saudis side and Hezbollah and Hamas in the North to create pressure on Israel. Iran also openly staes it's intention to destroy Israel. Russia has played a huge role in the north keeping Assad in power in Syria.
In the Syrian civil war NATO armed and supported the pro democracy Syrian Free Army while Iran and Russia provided arms and troops to Assad. Assad won, hundreds of thousands were killed and almost 7 million people were displaced.
All the countries under the influence of Russia, Iran, Syria (China is poking it's nose in) will never know democracy, they'll never know peace.

Biggest problem in Israel in my opinion isn't Gaza, it's the West Bank. Israel needs to GTF out and leave them to it, they'll need the cooperation of Jordan (it was once after all, part of Jordan) it needs a secure border and there needs to be one contiguous area for Palastinians and a secure border with Israel. That won't happen with Netanyahu which is why he needs to go.

But all that's a side issue, the real problems are higher up the chain.

The thing is nosy, there is no 2 way street, there's a 1 way street which has reached a fork, in one direction lies Mohammed bin Salman's vision of a peaceful and prosperous coalition of Israel and Arab countries, openly trading and sharing technology.

In the other direction you have the axis of evil, Iran and Russia, crushing any hope of democracy and enforcing a never ending cycle of terror.

I know which road I'd take, whatever the cost.
yeah they just guessed who would buy them then had a random guess at the individual numbers of the pagers that they chose to blow up .
It was a shell company set up by the Israelis to manufacture Pagers, a lot were sold to legitimate users to give the company credibility , the dodgy ones were manufactured separately.
As Hezbollah use unorthodox methods to obtain what they need, they are vulnerable to contamination on their supply chain.
Israel is on the side of Israel, which is understandable.
That is why they sold American nuclear codes to the Russians in return for the Aliyah of Russian Jews.
As i have pointed out, National interest comes first.
That’s a lie

Typical misinformation from Vinty the Putin sympathiser
It was a shell company set up by the Israelis to manufacture Pagers, a lot were sold to legitimate users to give the company credibility , the dodgy ones were manufactured separately.
As Hezbollah use unorthodox methods to obtain what they need, they are vulnerable to contamination on their supply chain.
Vinty supports Putin funded Hezbollah
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