Who uses Pagers these days anyway?

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I didn’t suggest they were a threat to the UK

But they are a proxy for Iran and Russia, they are a serious threat to Israel
What is this business about Russia. How is Russia a threat to Israel?

Russia support the creation of an independent Palestinian state, like many, many other countries.
Exactly the point.

The term is just a viewpoint
A political viewpoint.
In fact I'd go further and call it a propaganda viewpoint.
By declaring an organisation as terrorists is to make excuses for violence against them.
This chapter examines the range of justifications, excuses, and defences available to answer a terrorist charge, as well as purported exceptions such as self-determination struggles. It then differentiates permissible self-determination violence from terrorism, and argues for the extension of international humanitarian law as an appropriate normative framework for all self-determination struggles, as well as for certain internal rebellions. It examines how the individual criminal defences of self-defence and duress/necessity may justify some terrorist acts, and argues further that non-State group actors should be entitled to plead circumstances precluding wrongfulness, drawn analogously from the law of State responsibility, in defence of terrorism. It argues that limited acts of terrorism, in collective defence of human rights, could be regarded as illegal but justifiable. It also explains that political amnesties or pardons may be needed in carefully limited circumstances in order to secure higher values of peace or national reconciliation.

When International law prevents a peaceful solution to self determination, armed struggle is the last resort. The conquering state of the disputed territory declares one side as terrorist to justify further imposition and control.
This is the situation with Palestine. Israel dominated and controlled Palestine to such a degree that armed conflict by Palestinians was the last resort. Then UK, USA, etc, at the behest of Israel, declared Hamas as terrorist to justify further impositions on Palestine.
Any attempt to create an independent Palestinian state within International law has been thwarted at every turn, by US and Israel.
Even now US does not support the creation of an independent Palestine, and UK only started to support an independent Palestine in 2020
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Because it’s a wealthy country and beneficial as an ally, secondly it’s powerful enough to be a controlling influence in the Middle East and thirdly geo politics: Israel is effectively on the side of the West and against Iran, Russia and Arab nations / factions which dislike the West.
But clearly Israel is out of control, even to USA influence, and definitely to UN requests.
Because it’s a wealthy country and beneficial as an ally, secondly it’s powerful enough to be a controlling influence in the Middle East and thirdly geo politics: Israel is effectively on the side of the West and against Iran, Russia and Arab nations / factions which dislike the West.
Maybe they dislike the west due to the double standards demonstrated by the west.
I find it strange how you are so desperately supportive of anything to do ,with Russia…..you post conspiracy theories and misinformation about the Ukraine war and here you are defending a terrorist group funded by Putin and Iran.

Shane on you
Why do you feel the need to accuse others of supporting certain groups?
Are you incapable of an intellectual discussion and analysis without resorting to juvenile allegations and insults?

Shame on you.
Could be a major strike on Hezbollah tomorrow while they're in complete disarray, somethings brewing.
It's the wrong end of the stick.
The IEDs were meant to be used at a time of a planned Israeli attack, but there was a fear that the IEDs might be discovered.
So it was a 'use it or lose it' option.
Vinty supports Putin funded Hezbollah
That’s a lie

Typical misinformation from Vinty the Putin sympathiser
More unnecessary juvenile accusations.
Do try to have an intellectual discussion and analysis without accusing others of supporting one group over another because they happen to make an observation, with which you disagree.
And Hamas
It isn't Hamas that keep changing and adding to their demands for a ceasefire.

Exclusive: Israel seeks changes to Gaza truce plan, complicating talks​

No Gaza ceasefire until Israel war aims achieved, Netanyahu says​

Benjamin Netanyahu dismisses Israel-Hamas war cease-fire demands as U.K. limits weapons exports​

A Ceasefire Is Not Enough in Gaza​

Israel is escalating in the West Bank, against Hezbollah in Lebanon, and against Iran. The Biden administration must put maximum pressure on its ally.
They were in talks with Saudi and Israel about exactly that in Sept 2023., shortly before Oct 7th.
The nearest they ever got to supporting an independent Palestine was with Clinton, Arafat and Barak at Camp David.
Even then Israel kept changing the terms, which is why nothing was agreed.
Edit, or at least they wanted vague terms that could be interpreted to their benefit.

You cannot impose peace. One party can impose war on the other side, but no party can impose peace on the other side.
Ehud Barak

Netanyahu is trying to impose peace on Palestinians. It can't be done.
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