Who uses Pagers these days anyway?

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Diseased mind would be more appropriate.

For directly targeting terrorists, really?

Perhaps you need to spend some time listening to what the citizens of Lebanon want, I'll give you a clue, they don't want Hezbollah, and haven't since the 80's, they live day to day in a terrorist reality forced on them by Iran.

And you support that?

**** me.
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Maybe they were fitted with explosive charges by hesbolah as a self destruct if they were captured or something and all mossad did was find a back door to set them off. This will also expose all the members of hesbolah.
The pagers were apparently a Taiwanese design but they weren't manufactured in Taiwan.
They were manufactured in Europe by some company under licence, probably a shell company set up be the usual suspects, using bribes or coercion they feed them into Hezbollahs supply chain and wait for the right moment to set them off.
Its isn't the first time that booby trapped electronic devices have been used to kill opponents of Israel but never on this scale.
The pagers were apparently a Taiwanese design but they weren't manufactured in Taiwan.
They were manufactured in Europe by some company under licence, probably a shell company set up be the usual suspects, using bribes or coercion they feed them into Hezbollahs supply chain and wait for the right moment to set them off.
Its isn't the first time that booby trapped electronic devices have been used to kill opponents of Israel but never on this scale.

Absolutely outrageous, those damned Jews should go outside, lay down and let the rockets rain down on them.

And useful idiots like you could feel all nice and smug about it.

Don't worry Vinty, Irelands version of Hamas and Hezbollah are coming for 'your lot'.

Don't worry Vinty, Irelands version of Hamas and Hezbollah are coming for 'your lot'.
They have been trying for for centuries and they always fall at the last hurdle.
Anyway, what i don't understand about Unionists and British nationalists is this identification with Israel as if it is some sort of role model.
I would have thought that the Palestinian experience would be more appropriate.
In both cases, with the Unionist its(demographic change and growth of Irish nationalism), the British nationalist,( loss of control and identity due to mass immigration),this is driving up support for the likes of Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage.
They have been trying for for centuries and they always fall at the last hurdle.
Anyway, what i don't understand about Unionists and British nationalists is this identification with Israel as if it is some sort of role model.
I would have thought that the Palestinian experience would be more appropriate.
In both cases, with the Unionist its(demographic change and growth of Irish nationalism), the British nationalist,( loss of control and identity due to mass immigration),this is driving up support for the likes of Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage.

Is there a bomb shelter under Wetherspoons, there would be under the Tel Aviv one.

Come on Vinty, one way or another, you're more closely aligned to the Jews than you think. Accept it, bask in it, it's not as bad as you think. The only difference between your struggle and the Israeli one is that yours has temporarily abated, the Israeli one never has.

But your struggle might return, and likely will.

Don't worry, despite my 'Rebel' ancestry, I'll support your cause with as much fervour as the Israeli one.
Military explosives tend to only burn unless confined in some sort of container as it is the expanding gasses that cause the explosion
Military explosive, is usually high explosive, high explosive doesn't need to be contained, it explodes through shock caused by a detonator, low explosive, such as gunpowder has to be confined in a container as you stated in your post.
If high explosive was used in these pagers, then it could have been the casing of the pager itself, modern plastic explosive can be molded into almost any shape.
He can't. He's shot his mouth off with a claim that he can't back up.

In anyone's book that makes him a liar.

He's welcome to prove me wrong, if he can.
Post #2509 in t'Zion thread. L00k it up, Mag00.

What book you reading, 'Dude the Obscure'?

Get a grip, man.
Post #2509 in t'Zion thread. L00k it up, Mag00.

What book you reading, 'Dude the Obscure'?

Get a grip, man.
The second link quotes the medic as working at a Hezbollah hospital - so fily’s description of a ‘Hezbollah Medic’ doesn’t seem inaccurate.
The pagers were apparently a Taiwanese design but they weren't manufactured in Taiwan.
They were manufactured in Europe by some company under licence, probably a shell company set up be the usual suspects, using bribes or coercion they feed them into Hezbollahs supply chain and wait for the right moment to set them off.
Its isn't the first time that booby trapped electronic devices have been used to kill opponents of Israel but never on this scale.
One you tube clip claims the pagers were intercepted, modified and sent on their way
Post #2509 in t'Zion thread. L00k it up, Mag00.

What book you reading, 'Dude the Obscure'?

Get a grip, man.

Not a Doctor then. Thank you.

For example, Tuesday’s attack killed a medic who worked at Al Rassoul Al Azam Hospital, which is linked to Hezbollah-associated charities.
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