Winter fuel allowance

This from the link in my opening post.............

"Currently, 866,000 poor people, some 30% of those eligible, do not take up pension credit."

So NO they don't all get it.
There are various groups willing to help those like age concern and citizens advice.

Nobody is taking any money away from those in actual need.
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what a dumb response.
It's just like any poll/question on here, it is limited to the very small number taking part. Complaining about this question because all pensioners aren't visiting the DIYnot discussion section is a bity silly.
It's just like any poll/question on here, it is limited to the very small number taking part. Complaining about this question because all pensioners aren't visiting the DIYnot discussion section is a bity silly.

You miss my point, the fact it was aimed only at pensioners on here, made the question irrelevant.
You miss my point, the fact it was aimed only at pensioners on here, made the question irrelevant.

It's relevant because it's the wealthier pensioners complaining. Not affected by it, but complaining about it.
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the fact it was aimed only at pensioners on here, made the question irrelevant.
Because pensioners just above the pension credit limit aren't here? It was just a simple question, not a Government poll.

If that's the case then people on here shouldn't be allowed to complain if it isn't relevant to them. But they do.
People on here shouldn't be allowed to complain if it isn't relevant to them. But they do.

Again a nonsense response, that would remove all debate about every subject ever posted.

Kindly remove you Rampant Labour supporters hat.
Kindly remove you Rampant Labour supporters hat.
I don't think we should be giving hand outs to people that don't need it, especially when the country can't afford it. We should be targeting the money away from Mick and Elton. I don't know what's so controversial about that, but I get that we won't agree on everything.
Again a nonsense response, that would remove all debate about every subject ever posted.

Kindly remove you Rampant Labour supporters hat.
Please show us a pic of this hat of yours.
The SNP appear to want a magic money tree as well.
Sounds like Flip Flop is going to allow a debate in the HoC about taking the WFP away

But he had said there wouldn’t be one

As I stated much earlier, the UK government does not have a mandate to do a sweep of everyone's bank accounts, nor a more restricted sweep of those meeting a certain criteria.
I have already denounced what you said earlier, because it was wrong.
A sure sign of desperation is to quote something like the above which is years out of date, and has been replaced, as I said.
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