Winter fuel allowance

About wealthy Tory voting gammon pensioners, not receiving handouts?

Not a jot, boyo.
Exactly, your venom is directed at wealthy pensioners, who yes, probably vote Tory.

Typical left wing hatred.
They will now.

So, after many many years of not claiming, how do you think that will magically be transformed.
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Exactly, your venom is directed at wealthy pensioners, who yes, probably vote Tory.

Typical left wing hatred.
Venom and hatred?

Add drama queen to faux outrage and Tory socialist. (y)

So, after many many years of not claiming, how do you think that will magically be transformed.

Same as all the pensioners that pay me using internet banking. No one on the planet is far enough away from the internet these days, to be able to ignore it.
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Have you any concept of the problems many pensioners face.

Poor eyesight/poor hearing/dementia//Alzheimer's/ loneliness/mobility, but to name just a few of there problems.

Rather than force these pensioners to claim (governments save millions this way), the authorities should be forced to
find these people and ensure they receive such benefits.
DIYnotters should expect a knock on the door.
DIYnotters should expect a knock on the door.
Hilarious that trazor has suddenly found a conscience and a concern for the needy of this world. He'll be voting for Labour next, lol.

Nowt worse that an insincere Tory armed with faux outrage.
Is Trazor interested in the poor and needy below DIYnot age range?
So, after many many years of not claiming, how do you think that will magically be transformed.
Via some googling I noticed that there had a bit of a drive to get people who could to take it last Aug. :) no link just noticed in the headers.

Labour have taken the step to link in those receiving housing benefits which is a step in the right direction.

Fact is fuel costs have been a problem for a long time so something could have been done about this particular aspect ages ago.
No, not a bit of it. The sudden faux outrage and concern is sickening.

Ha Ha, JohnD and noseall playing tag team, who would have thought it.

For your information, so you pair don't makes pratts of your selves any longer.
I think the last Tory governments have been the worst in living memory.
And I voted Labour in the last election.
And I give my time free, to help locally, when possible.
Have you any concept of the problems many pensioners face.

Poor eyesight/poor hearing/dementia//Alzheimer's/ loneliness/mobility, but to name just a few of there problems.

Rather than force these pensioners to claim (governments save millions this way), the authorities should be forced to
find these people and ensure they receive such benefits.
have you any concept of the problems people face who are suffering due to Tory toxic PIP assessments?

or the fact millions of people working full time are suffering poverty, often fuel and or food poverty

or the fact many children are suffering poverty

do you think authorities should be forced to make sure these suffering groups should get benefits to help them?
And are you alone in that?

There must be some reason why you feel the need to brag.

Your perception of me was wrong, purely written to educate you about me.

Now nip along next door and get noseall to chip in.
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