Winter fuel allowance

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Do I?

There are well over 1 million households on social rent waiting lists. It would be nice if we have houses for them.
In 1980 the population of the UK was 56m. It's now about 67m. People rabbit on about the sell off but fact is an insufficient number have been built. For various reason those population figures don't mean we need 10m more.

The sell off put maintenance into the responsibility of the owner. Previously the council paid. Eg repainting every 3 years. Some later built with metal window frames. Build standards were high ;) better than new private as my father found out.

So Labour have a plot. Result - the other ends are moaning. Listen and we will never build enough.

Council houses - who is going to borrow the money needed to build them?
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Where did the money come from for the recent wage rises, when we had an "unknown" financial Black hole.
Governments make choices, they usually have different priorities depending which colour they are.

You seem disappointed and surprised that Labour aren't doing what you want. That's democracy for you. Vote them out next time.
Yes, half of it was caused by union pay rises.
Was it?

You have these facts and figures?

Or just scare mongering ?

Totally ignoring, why we had/have such a big black hole? All because of Labour and pay rises that have been outstanding since Tory days.?

Wake up
And when they moved on they could be let to someone else. Not now.

Usual, ill thought out nonsense, from you. Moving on, doesn't mean they suddenly disappear, they move, if they move, to another home. There are still the same number of homes, the same number occupied.

Many homes, occupied by pensioners, will be single occupancy. The single occupants, get a discount of just 25% off the council tax. Paying the extra 25%, allows a family, no matter how large, to occupy that home, using as a minimum twice the council facilities of that pensioner, a family of five, using five times as much as that lone pensioner.
How do you justify that?
First pay rise in 5 years for some. But take away less than £4 a week from people who don't need and all hell breaks loose.
If it was being taken from the really needy I would be arguing against it too.

It's being taken away from some, so that those that do need it can still get it. Keep spending as we were and it would be worse for all and taken away from the needy too.

But austerity and cutbacks that got us in this position were ok, because it meant less tax. Now those same people are saying they want to pay more tax to pay the better off pensioners.

You can't make it up
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