Winter fuel allowance

Usual, ill thought out nonsense, from you. Moving on, doesn't mean they suddenly disappear, they move, if they move, to another home. There are still the same number of homes, the same number occupied.
those homes are now in the private sector, rented out at higher prices. The council still pays many of the housing bills, at a much higher rate because they have little housing stock of their own.

How do you justify the higher cost to all taxpayers, that means there is less for some pensioners now.
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those homes are now in the private sector, rented out at higher prices. The council still pays many of the housing bills, at a much higher rate because they have little housing stock of their own.

How do you justify the higher cost to all taxpayers, that means there is less for some pensioners now.
Rented to those that can afford them, rather than to those who can't afford them, but really need them.
First pay rise in 5 years for some. But take away less than £4 a week from people who don't need and all hell breaks loose.

Are you a pensioner, on a basic pension, and properly able to judge whether that £4 makes much difference? If you feel so strongly about it, how about you contribute that £4, to a few pensioners to make up for it. After all, £4 isn't really that much..
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Are you a pensioner, on a basic pension, and properly able to judge whether that £4 makes much difference? If you feel so strongly about it, how about you contribute that £4, to a few pensioners to make up for it. After all, £4 isn't really that much
My parents never needed it. It was just put into the savings.
It does if they die.

So, your solution, is to kill off pensioners it seems.

2 million homes have been lost to the social rental sector due to RTB. Do you dispute that?

You are persisting with this nonsense - the 2M houses still exist, most will be occupied and be housing a similar number of people. They have just simply been reclassified, from public sector rental, to owner occupied.

The shortage of homes, is clearly due to failure to build more, nothing at all to do with the RTB.
Nor mine, and they divorced and were potless at the time.
Mine would never have been classed as well off or rich, but had worked hard.

No cheap priced house either, they had to pay full price, but they managed.

The fuel allowance was never used, just saved. An odd fact, but they saved more as pensioners than they did when working, obviously inflation and value of money affected those figures.
Yes, half of it was caused by union pay rises.
Tough luck for you. In the area that needs to be considered pay review bodies figures. The Tory chose to ignore them. These bodies are there to maintain wages that reflect a number of things including what has happened in the private sector. Their recommendations are part of the black hole as they have been met rather than ignored.
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Tough luck for you. In the area that needs to be considered pay review bodies figures. The Tory chose to ignore them. These bodies are their to maintain wages that reflect a number of things including what has happened in the private sector. Their recommendations are part of the black hole as they have been met rather than ignored.
If finances had been managed properly and tough decisions made, not populist stuff to try and stay in power, the black hole wouldn't be there.

But let's blame Labour because they have been in power for years.
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