Winter fuel allowance

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This seems to be a thing these days, lots of businesses specifying cash only. Lot of takeaways doing it, local chippy too. Semms odd in an increasingly cashless society. Wonder what Inland Rev reckon?

Yup tax evasion at its best

The MIL got a £4k quote for a new flat roof.

Actual bill £4800

Cash £3000

BACs payment £1800

Invoice states £1800 paid
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Denso only cares about two multimillionaire pensioners he does not care about the 3850 who will die from the Labour party report. Denso does not care.
Why don't they ask the migrants to spend one night a week hotel-less and use this massive saving to fund winter fuel payments for our elderly.
Why did the tories blow £billions on corrupt and useless PPE 'contracts', of which almost all (£10bn and climbing) has been written off?

And that's just the tip of the ridiculous 'virus' spending iceberg!

Winter fuel payments cost just over £2bn...
Yup tax evasion at its best

The MIL got a £4k quote for a new flat roof.

Actual bill £4800

Cash £3000

BACs payment £1800

Invoice states £1800 paid
And all since the election. Damn you Labour...
My second house was, when we first moved in, so inefficient that it neither got, nor "kept warm", no matter how high or long the heating was on.

Part of the issue (and not directly related to WFP) is that, no matter how much money some spend on heating, it will be wasted expenditure.
Totally agree, there should be massive investment in our housing stock -
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