Winter fuel allowance

You are obsessed with Mick and Elton.


Seen Stones live couple of times, that's about as far as my obsession goes. Elton is great too. Sorry to hear that they'll both be getting hypothermia this year, fightened to switch on their two bar fires.

At least Elton still has his candle, but it's just Jumping Jack without the gas for poor Mick. :ROFLMAO:
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yes, you're absolutely right, migrants in warm cosy hotels, our old people who have worked hard all their lives paying into our country shivering away in their houses.

Why don't they ask the migrants to spend one night a week hotel-less and use this massive saving to fund winter fuel payments for our elderly.
Blame the Tories for not dealing with the past issues, not those having to address them
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Yes. But I suspect many people would agree.

Especially OAP’s just above the threshold for benefits
Which confirms those that really need it will STILL get it. It's not being taken away from them no matter how much you try and infer it will be

There are always some that get caught by just being above the cutoff. Have they applied for other help ? Lots of people willing to help them apply if their own families won't.
Why did the tories blow £billions on corrupt and useless PPE 'contracts', of which almost all (£10bn and climbing) has been written off?

And that's just the tip of the ridiculous 'virus' spending iceberg!

Winter fuel payments cost just over £2bn...
And if that money hadn't been wasted more pensioners could have had more.

But let's ignore facts and spend money we haven't got
Do you genuinely believe that, you are really not convincing me?
I really hope so, I don't think anyone can guarantee there won't be issues though.

She said on TV that she isn't eligible for pension credit because she gets her husbands private pension as well as her own.
I'm sure you can see the point I'm making. Millionaires don't need £4 a week tax payer handouts.

Effectively, they do not get the £4. They get the £4 in one hand, then have thousands taken back in taxes. Only a fool would suggest otherwise.
Totally agree, there should be massive investment in our housing stock -

Which where the RTB, was worthwhile - people bought under RTB, then it was worth their while to invest in their homes - I did, as did the many locally. Nobody with any sense, invests in a home, which will never be their own.
Do you actually support giving millionaires a £200 hand out?

I don't support it, no, but as has been explained to you numerous times, the millionaires are heavily taxed. They effectively don't get to keep the hand out, so your argument, is the usual nonsense rant.
Which where the RTB, was worthwhile - people bought under RTB, then it was worth their while to invest in their homes - I did, as did the many locally. Nobody with any sense, invests in a home, which will never be their own.
So anybody that bought via rtb and has had a massive increase in value of their asset should automatically get wfa without previous massive handouts (way more than £4 week) being taken into account?
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