Winter fuel allowance

Earlier this week it emerged Labour's own research from 2017 found cutting the winter fuel allowance would increase excess deaths by 3,850 that ...

The decision is based on pension increases of late and fuel prices this year compared with last year.
Have fuel prices gone down since last year? I thought they'd crept up a bit more. Surely more than 2017 when Labour made that prediction.
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Nearer 1m or 1.5m tops,
"Since the introduction the policy in 1980-1, almost two million social homes have been lost from the social housing stock through RTB."

I'm not really getting too hung up on the numbers, we could have done a better job at replacing those lost.

Not enough, granted, but you're claiming no social housing has been built since 1979.
I didn't claim that, if you think I did then I was wrong.
Reasons for Decision:

There have been two unsuccessful procurement exercises undertaken to appoint a third party contractor. The service must be brought in house to ensure the continuity of the servicing and maintenance of all properties.
My point is they generally take a slightly/completely different approach to repairs.
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That is of course correct. But a Council/HA with a lot more homes before RTB had a bigger asset base and more scope to invest.

I'm not anti RTB, maybe the discounts were too big, but if Councils/HAs could have replaced a good number of those lost it would have helped.

*Disclaimer: I know the number of properties, overall across the UK, stay roughly the same.*
I'd never considered the assets to borrow against. Would never of thought of that.
I always thought RTB had a lot of positives but I totally agree with you, not reinvesting the dough in more properties was a disaster.
I genuinely hope Labour do what they said and get building. It's the only solution to many issues. Tories promised it and did zero. Change is needed
Why do you say that, when you say all pensioners will have the funds, where needed, to stay warm.
I was playing along with your silliness. FWIW I think labour could have handled it better, maybe they'll come up with a more tiered approach, I don't know. I still don't think we should be giving people hand outs they obviously don't need though.
about the same as housing a migrant in a nice hotel for one day.
For some reason munroast seems to have no idea what the daily rate in a budget hotel is

Nor the discounts available to a long-term block booking contract.

Is he stupid?

Or just pretending?

Or both?
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