Winter fuel allowance

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Helen Pidd @ the Guardian spoke to the MP Rachael Maskell [in a 20 minute podcast], who explained that, in her central York constituency, older people are so upset about potentially losing the payment they have been “stopping me in the street, grabbing my arm and saying: ‘Please help – because it’s my lifeline.’” She listened to impassioned debates and also spoke to Charlotte Nichols, the MP for Warrington North, who said, while she had been worried about the scrapping of the universal allowance, she understood that it was not fair that pensioners who were better off were getting extra money for heating. She also said she was reassured that the rise in the state pension would make up for the lost allowance for many pensioners, and she would be voting for the motion.

Personally, i think people who can afford to pay should do so, although it's clear many will walk a fine line after the payment is withdrawn, leaving them with a hard choice this winter. I think they may be in a minority and while that's their misfortune, perhaps it'll be for the greater good, as funding could be redirected elsewhere to help them in other ways.
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Doctors and train drivers receive salaries that a large proportion of pensioners can only dream of.
The same applies to nurses, midwives, delivery drivers, single parents (especially women who earn less than men in general), child minders, cashiers, etc.
And it costs to go to work. Commuting costs between £6 - £20 per day.
has only been in office for a matter of weeks and has shown his socialist appetite for old fashioned wealth distribution.
Do you actually think the PM would have carried on with all of the Tory policies with no changes? Really?

Shock, horror, Labour aren't doing what the Tories did. Who'd a thought such a thing was possible...
what are you talking about, the Independant and other news outlets clearly say 2017 - so lets compare pensions & gas in 2017 to the present
Think about it. It was in the run up to the 2017 election and pure electioneering as May was hinting at cutting WFA. Things have changed therefore policies change. that's politics for you.
Looking at it another way, the overall trajectory for (what is supposed to be) a civilised, advanced, and prosperous country, should be towards removing the need for "emergency" hardship payments, regardless of their nature, or their intended recipients.
The WFA was introduced in response to extraordinary circumstances, not to become the norm.
No, it wasn't.

I said "why can't Labour simplify the form, and still blame the tories?"

You made it an either/or thing.
Nothing to do with the point that £300 million is unclaimed, your response that it saves head scratching was a jibe.
energy bills and will continue to struggle as climate change taxes will continue ever upwards in the rush for net zero stupidity.
renewable energy is cheaper than power stations

and the world is moving forward rapidly with renewable technology....if the UK dont push forward we will be left behind

pale male stale plumbers whose career relies on fossil fuels tend to be man made climate change deniers............classic cognitive bias
Nothing to do with the point that £300 million is unclaimed, your response that it saves head scratching was a jibe.

No, it wasn't.

It was clearly stated in my post that, to account for things properly, you have to account for things fully.

If I ignore some of my known or foreseeable incomings or outgoings over a month, year, or lifetime, would it be any surprise or shock if I failed to balance my affairs?
renewable energy is cheaper than power stations

and the world is moving forward rapidly with renewable technology....if the UK dont push forward we will be left behind

We have massive reserves of nice clean gas we should be using first. Of course we will need to keep gas and coal stations on grid, for when the windmills aren't turning.
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