Winter fuel allowance

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Yup but they are overpaid before their rise

The driver I know is extremely comfortable and his misses cuts hair cash only so no tax or ni there either
I know a pensioner who is extremely comfortable and doesn't need the WFA. He was well off before last years increase.
What about people who aren't OAP's and are just above the threshold for some benefits?
Why does murdochchat care more about wealthy pensioners

Than he does about poor younger people?
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Labour MPs celebrating freezing pensioners to death.

Labour MPs voting to cut taxpayer handouts to the rich.

The Bra Baroness must be distraught.

She used some of her taxpayer handouts to buy a yacht and a palatial London mansion.

Might end up paying some of it back.

Might even pay tax on the money funnelled through a network of hidden offshore accounts.

Is she a Tory?
Pensions have gone up and fuel costs have gone down.

No need to thank me

Happy to help.
fuel cost have went down since 2017 ?

in 2017
typical unit of Gas = 3.5p
full state pension = £160 pw

in 2024
typical unit of Gas = 7.4p
full state pension = £221 pw

to sum up
Fuel prices up 111%
Pensions up 38%

so if deaths were predicted to be around 3500 in 2017 - then by logic (111-38= 73%) then may be we will loose 6055 in the winter of 25!
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in 2024
typical unit of Gas = 7.4p
full state pension = £221 pw
As I said they are comparing last years winter price with the current one together with the recent pension increase.

Not the prices in 2017. I only mentioned that as it's when Starmer mentioned the point you made.
Why does murdochchat care more about wealthy pensioners

Than he does about poor younger people?

Because the idle poor younger younger bastards are still living at home sponging of their pensioner parents or grand parents.
As I said they are comparing last years winter price with the current one together with the recent pension increase.

Not the prices in 2017. I only mentioned that as it's when Starmer mentioned the point you made.
what are you talking about, the Independant and other news outlets clearly say 2017 - so lets compare pensions & gas in 2017 to the present
Why are you so keen to give a taxpayer handout to people who don't need it?

Fuel costs have risen far above the rate of inflation and pensions in last 15 or 20 years. While those on pensions credit definitely need WFA, there will be many above the PC threshold that are also struggling with energy bills and will continue to struggle as climate change taxes will continue ever upwards in the rush for net zero stupidity. Two Tier has only been in office for a matter of weeks and has shown his socialist appetite for old fashioned wealth redistribution. Doctors and train drivers receive salaries that a large proportion of pensioners can only dream of.
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