Winter fuel allowance

All very interesting etc but for an interesting read google debt 274% GDP. No need to add UK. There will be various degrees of breakdowns to explain why and what to do about it. The full blown report is here.

Held due to the forthcoming election and released recently. Info on real growth needed to avoid it.
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Its not paying extra taxes but the use of the already high tax burden. Killing pensioners is never the answer. Unless you need to pay billions to your union friends first of course.

Remember this?

So, according to Laura Kuenssberg, in 14 years, the conservatives ran up 13 billion pounds of debt but in just two months, Labour have added 9 billion to it making up the 22 billion of debt they have been leading everyone to believe was all caused by the Conservatives? Blimey. Doesn’t bode well for the future, does it? Reckless, I’d call it.
So, according to Laura Kuenssberg, in 14 years, the conservatives ran up 13 billion pounds of debt but in just two months, Labour have added 9 billion to it making up the 22 billion of debt they have been leading everyone to believe was all caused by the Conservatives? Blimey. Doesn’t bode well for the future, does it? Reckless, I’d call it.

Expect even more revelations when the next OBR statement comes out. Starmers being cagey about the figures.
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Yes but our dear Tory party are no longer in power so lets focus on the Labour administration and their manifesto commitments and of course all the stuff they did not tell us (lied about NotchyFact) before the election.
Just had this sent to me by my mum! (She definitely doesn’t need the winter payment) but she knows others that do but won’t be getting it.
Expect even more revelations when the next OBR statement comes out. Starmers being cagey about the figures.
I just posted a link to the most recent OBR report. For a summary just google the term I suggested.

Baby boomers get a mention. I see that as mostly borne in the 60's. So not much of a drop until 2040 come 2050. Long time ahead isn't it. Actually some will have started work in companies that did offer pensions but those have job change problems. Longer life span? It turns out that in some cases in the UK there is reduction. It depends on circumstances.

Workplace pensions were introduced in 2012. Ist step to do something about the "problem". Before that some people weren't bothered at all. As one said to me the gov wont let us die on the streets. Fairly well paid person as well. State pension discussion by the gov don't blame parties for their actions - just state why changes were made. Much like gov enquiries.

Each party supporter bashing the other on here. No mention of Labour's ideas to encourage real growth

No more WFP - afraid I have no interest in pedantic comments. For most they will be ending and in any case it obviously wont be for some.
Its not paying extra taxes but the use of the already high tax burden. Killing pensioners is never the answer. Unless you need to pay billions to your union friends first of course.

Remember this?

So how do you pay money out if no extra tax comes in?

Think it's OK to keep going the Tory way.

We are in for a tough ride. Either face the truth or pretend it's OK, as the Tories did, and it just gets worse.
Quite simple Carmen stop giving billions to your union mates. They can do that with no extra money coming in.

Its not the Tory way it is how Labour are running the country.
Quite simple Carmen stop giving billions to your union mates. They can do that with no extra money coming in.

Its not the Tory way it is how Labour are running the country.
Can't do anything with no more money coming in, no matter which party is in power.

Happy to pay more taxes to pay all the pensioners? Good on you.
so does that money for investing in public pensions just appear from thin air or does the tax/ ni payers help fund the 15/20% contributions ?
It looks like that style of state pension went a while ago. There will be some still drawing a pension from the funds. My wife appears to be doing that
I did post a link on how the new system works.
there is a weekly monthly public top up my monthly 200 quid contribution was topped up with roughly 500 quid a month from public funds which then gives a far higher figure to be invested giving faar better returns
Just what state gas job do you actually hold - or more correctly what company do you work for?
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