Winter Fuel Payment

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Maths not your strong point eh, Trazor?

Understanding my point, is obviously not yours.

Pensioners ought to be raised above the triple lock in, in order to get pensions on a par with many European countries.
The triple lock, effectively keeps them relatively poor in comparison.

Are we not one of the richest countries in the World?
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I think it shames this country to its core, that we have anyone living in poverty or on the streets.
With the best social care in the world and all the will in the world, you will still have folk that are determined to harm themselves.
The Triple lock ensures pensioners, are kept at the Status Quo, keeping them as some of the poorest paid pensioners in Europe.
Do you understand that 40+ years of neo liberal ideology has failed compared to the social democracies of mainland Europe.
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I think it shames this country to its core, that we have anyone living in poverty or on the streets.
Why do you think that is?
and what do you think the solution is?

both parties over the years have found it, "Helpful" to keep pensions pinned
I’m pleased to hear you blame both parties.

I believe the structural failures of this country are a result of our weak political system combined with a media that has too much influence…….and those issues go beyond the failings of the political parties.
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