Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Well Denso what does that suggest to you about the complicity of the Palestinian population in respect to the HAMAS atrocities
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Well Denso what does that suggest to you about the complicity of the Palestinian population in respect to the HAMAS atrocities
They were in locked rooms with guards outside, so it suggests nothing of the sort.
Well the world according to Denso. Maybe you have proof or evidence of that. Would you like to share it?
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One of the Gazans killed was an Al Jazeera journalist and US charity worker?,
I've not seen any comments concerning that only reports of journalists shot bit not related to this.

Israel said one rescue was easy, the lady. A pundit mentioned light guarding and buildings about 200yds apart. Might be no guard. Locked rooms mentioned. He reckons a shoulder launched anti aircraft missile of some sort appearing at the other.

Israel says they attacked at ~11am so it would be a surprise. The IDF footage - I find it had to accept. A dozen or so IDF running under fire on open ground????
Somewhere north of 200 dead and 700 wounded from the raid, the majority clearly civilians.

That's a hideous body count, even for rescuing hostages that's hard to justify.
Pleased to see the Israeli captives appeared to be clean, well fed, properly dressed and in good health.

It seems that Hamas do not amputate their prisoners limbs without anaesthetic, starve and beat them, keep them naked without sanitary facilities, or chain them so tightly that gangrene sets in.

Good to see that one side in this conflict is humane.
John living up to his reputation. You missed out the sexual torture and rape of civilians by the way. Oh yes that's HAMAS isn't it John. Maybe you would like to condemn the 7th of October attacks?
Somewhere north of 200 dead and 700 wounded from the raid, the majority clearly civilians.

That's a hideous body count, even for rescuing hostages that's hard to justify.
Imagine the body count if there was a ceasefire and hostages exchanged :rolleyes:

Just goes to show the value that Israel puts on Palestinian lives and a Palestinian state...

The Israeli state is no better than those who turned Warsaw into a ghetto!

Israel should be treated internationally the same way as every other rogue nation!
The Israeli state is no better than those who turned Warsaw into a ghetto!

The Warsaw ghetto was a holding camp for half a million jews before being sent to extermination camps.
Where is the comparison?

Israel should be treated internationally the same way as every other rogue nation!

Agreed, the UN should lighten up on them.
The Warsaw ghetto was a holding camp for half a million jews before being sent to extermination camps.
Where is the comparison?
Gaza is a 'holding camp'...

And what is the difference from being bombed/ starved to death than an extermination camp?

Are you justifying the deaths of tens of thousand of innocent people just because they happen to be Palestinians?

Agreed, the UN should lighten up on them.
So at least we've cleared up the question of whether you are an apologist for genocide!

No wonder the violence and deaths will continue indefinitely when there are people like you around!
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