Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Your racism and ignorance shines through every post you make here, why don't you just come out and say exactly what you think about the Jews?
As always you confuse race and religion with the actions of a state and it's leaders...

I have never had a problem with jewish people, and I have never had a problem with muslims...

Clear enough for you?

You really should have worked out by now that you are the racist not me...

Oh, but I forgot...

You are too ignorant to work that one out for yourself ;)

But the really sad thing is that you appear to want one side to prevail and thus you are an apologist for never ending violence in the belief that your chosen side is right and the other side is wrong...

And a no compromise view shared by a lot of racist people like yourself even though you are in denial...

That is ignorance taken to a whole new level!
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As always you confuse race and religion with the actions of a state and it's leaders...

I have never had a problem with jewish people, and I have never had a problem with muslims...

Clear enough for you?

You really should have worked out by now that you are the racist not me...

Oh, but I forgot...

You are too ignorant to work that one out for yourself ;)

But the really sad thing is that you appear to want one side to prevail and thus you are an apologist for never ending violence in the belief that your chosen side is right and the other side is wrong...

And a no compromise view shared by a lot of racist people like yourself even though you are in denial...

That is ignorance taken to a whole new level!

What's your chosen side and what's your compromise view?

Your views mirror mine, we just happen to support opposing sides.

Before summer is out, there will be a terrorist atrocity in Europe, my betting is the Paris Olympics and it will be Hamas led, today Hezbollah (Iran) have threatened an attack on Cyprus because of their defence agreement with Israel.
That's your chosen side, you must be proud, if you get your wish for a dirty bomb on Tel Aviv you won't be able to contain your glee.
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Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah has issued a stern warning to Israel, threatening a war with “no restraint and no rules and no ceilings” in case of a major Israeli offensive against Lebanon, and defended Hamas for making its demands on a multiphased United States-led proposal that Washington says would lead to an “enduring ceasefire”. He said the US plan has an “obvious” gap that would allow Israel to resume the war after the first stage of the proposal, which would see the release of some Israeli captives held by Hamas.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz on Tuesday raised the prospect of a serious conflict with the Lebanese group after Hezbollah released surveillance drone footage showing important infrastructure and military sites in northern Israel. “We are very close to the moment of decision to change the rules against Hezbollah and Lebanon. In an all-out war, Hezbollah will be destroyed and Lebanon will be severely hit,” Katz wrote in a social media post.

Nasrallah underscored Hezbollah’s military capabilities, saying the group has acquired new weapons and has an abundance of drones that it manufactures locally. “The enemy knows well that we have prepared ourselves for the most difficult days,” he said. “The enemy knows well what awaits it, and that’s why it has been deterred so far. And it knows that there will be no place in the [country] that would be spared our rockets and drones. And it won’t be indiscriminate bombing: every rocket – a target. There is a lot of fear from the enemy that the resistance would invade northern Israel, and this is a standing possibility that remains present in the context of any war imposed on Lebanon,” he said.

Al Jazeera.com

An estimated 155,000 civilians have already been displaced on both sides of the border. Israel evacuated 60,000 citizens living within 5km, while a further 20,000 have abandoned homes further away voluntarily, and another 75,000 have been forced to leave the villages of southern Lebanon while the tit-for-tat continues.

Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma, an education centre that focuses on the security of Israel’s northern border, said the current position was unsustainable: “There is already a second front. Galilee is under daily attack from UAVs, rockets and missiles. The average now is 90 every week. There is already a war up there on a low scale. The question is how it will be solved – whether through a full-scale war or some kind of ceasefire.”...an attempt at a military solution would need a combination of aerial bombing and a ground invasion that would require “the whole of the IDF’s available forces”, allowing for a limited presence in Gaza and a security presence in the West Bank. A rapid incursion would also ask a lot of IDF troops fatigued by eight months of long and bloody fighting in the south.
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Your views mirror mine, we just happen to support opposing sides.
As usual you get it totally wrong...

I don't support either side when it comes to the killing, I just happen to think that there has to be a fair and just solution for both sides...

You are the fanatic who refuses to see that supporting only one side makes the problem insolvable!
That's your chosen side, you must be proud, if you get your wish for a dirty bomb on Tel Aviv you won't be able to contain your glee.

Actually what I said is "When 'someone' decides that total destabilisation in the region is needed to divert attention from elsewhere, then maybe a 'dirty bomb' could be let off in such a place as Tel Aviv?"

Simply an acknowledgement of what could happen, not a wish. You truly are a thick person! :rolleyes:

My wish is actually for the total cessation of all hostilities...

But what apologists like you stupidly fail to realise is that failure to do so will only lead to further escalation and an inevitable horror incident as the weapons get more deadly and more easily available...

It is you that is helping make that more likely with your one sided ignorance!
Israels enemies have learned the lessons of the past.
Their tactics and weapons have become more sophisticated.

They have learned the value of propaganda and how to get their message across to the global public more effectively.

Israel in the past has dominated this field and controlled the narrative, that is no longer the case globally.

Unqualified support for Israel is now mostly confined to America and Europe, this could be because a lot of Europeans still have colonial mindsets and believe in their racial superiority to non white peoples.

Could this also explain the fascination of the far right with Israel, when you hear right wing commentators and politcians expressing admiration for Zionism, it makes you wonder why.
Before summer is out, there will be a terrorist atrocity in Europe, my betting is the Paris Olympics and it will be Hamas led,
What would Hamas gain from a terrorist atrocity in Europe.
Wouldn't that alienate potential supporters in Europe.
In the type of war Hamas is fighting, the information war is as important as the military war.

They need to frame perceptions in favour of their version of events.
Quelle surprise...

Linky Linky

"The Israeli military has quietly handed over significant legal powers in the occupied West Bank to pro-settler civil servants working for the far-right minister Bezalel Smotrich"

"Israeli politicians have long sought to find ways to permanently seize, or annex, the occupied West Bank, which it captured in 1967 and where millions of Palestinians live"

No doubt there will be someone coming along soon who still claims that a two state solution is supported by the Israeli state :rolleyes:
Meanwhile the Gaza war with gusto and West Bank issues just continue. Now wonder about Lebanon.
A senior Lebanese doesn't think Israel will hold a ground war with them. No need, They will just bomb the f out of the place. Israel may now be aware of a factor that may prevent them from doing that.

The 6 day war
In response to the apparent mobilization of its Arab neighbours, early on the morning of June 5, Israel staged a sudden preemptive air assault that destroyed more than 90 percent Egypt's air force on the tarmac. A similar air assault incapacitated the Syrian air force.

What may they do if under some form of pressure
On the morning of June 5, 1967, Israel launched a preemptive strike against Egyptian forces in response to Egypt's closing of the Straits of Tiran. By June 11, the conflict had come to include Jordan and Syria.

The end of this was on the news when some one gave me a lift to work. The driver who was in his late teens at the start of WWII said - They have learnt from the Jerries. Interesting comment and maybe also add a punishment approach.
Meanwhile the Gaza war with gusto and West Bank issues just continue. Now wonder about Lebanon.
A senior Lebanese doesn't think Israel will hold a ground war with them. No need, They will just bomb the f out of the place. Israel may now be aware of a factor that may prevent them from doing that.

Hezbollah have been bombing the F out of Israel for some time, since October 7th it's merely been an escalation. If it goes to a full on war, Hezbollah have announced they will attack Cyprus. Iran and Turkey aren't offering words of discouragement.

The 6 day war
In response to the apparent mobilization of its Arab neighbours, early on the morning of June 5, Israel staged a sudden preemptive air assault that destroyed more than 90 percent Egypt's air force on the tarmac. A similar air assault incapacitated the Syrian air force.

What may they do if under some form of pressure
On the morning of June 5, 1967, Israel launched a preemptive strike against Egyptian forces in response to Egypt's closing of the Straits of Tiran. By June 11, the conflict had come to include Jordan and Syria.

The end of this was on the news when some one gave me a lift to work. The driver who was in his late teens at the start of WWII said - They have learnt from the Jerries. Interesting comment and maybe also add a punishment approach.

Yes but at the end of all that Israel entered into peace agreements with both Egypt and Jordan, Israel have abided by one of the conditions of the peace agreement not to push too many Palestinians in Jordans direction, I suppose they were a little tetchy about Palestinian 'refugees' attempting to overthrow the Jordanian Royal Family.
And Israel were more than helpful in assisting Egypt with clearing the Sinai of Islamic terror groups.
Just being neighbourly I think.
Did I ever tell you the Jerries bombed my mums house?
Hezbollah have been bombing the F out of Israel for some time, since October 7th it's merely been an escalation.
Care to tell us how many people have been killed by hezbollah in the north of israel, and how many civilians have been killed by israel in Lebanon?

Did I ever tell you the Jerries bombed my mums house?
My grandparents house suffered similarly...

So what is your point?

It seems to me that you don't understand that violence begets violence unless a fair compromise is reached!
Hezbollah have been bombing the F out of Israel for some time, since October 7th it's merely been an escalation. If it goes to a full on war, Hezbollah have announced they will attack Cyprus. Iran and Turkey aren't offering words of discouragement.
Not entirely true. Cyprus rather odd. Attack if they become involved in the war effort. They wouldn't even if asked. The Ayatollah may have got his countries wrong. Noises anyway.

Turkey. They decided to cease supplying Israel with jet fuel. That turned to Turkey not sending them anything even ordinary fuel. Moslem country. Not happy about the war;

Yes but at the end of all that Israel entered into peace agreements with both Egypt and Jordan,
A bit misleading and applies to all Moslem countries in the area. The agreement is at a political security level. It is not the view of the general populations. Egypt in particular but all are much the same. The Arab League = all of them, all want a return to pre 67 boarders and a true Palestinian state. Tricky, The UK UN rep mentioned difficulties in this area in a rather odd way - maybe a land swap. But which land and what type is it etc?

Given the nature of the peace deal it looks like the US and some others are perfectly happy to allow things to go as they are. Probably always have been really since the war started. Given use of a US veto it looks like things have been much the same for rather a long time.
Care to tell us how many people have been killed by hezbollah in the north of israel, and how many civilians have been killed by israel in Lebanon?

I don't know how many, I know that if it escalates to a full on war the number will be exponentially greater. Do you think Iran, who are presiding over events give a toss how many Lebanese civilians die?, they're just cannon fodder for the Mullahs, for whom you seem to have the greatest admiration.
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