Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Fily loves his 1947 when arab armies went to the Palstine mandate area but totally forgets the run up
A successful paramilitary campaign was carried out by Zionist underground groups against British rule in Mandatory Palestine from 1944 to 1948. The tensions between the Zionist underground and the British mandatory authorities rose from 1938.

Though World War II brought relative calm, tensions again escalated into an armed struggle towards the end of the war, when it became clear that the Axis powers were close to defeat.

LOL Maybe blame the country that broke the arms embargo the UK placed on the area. Nice simple thing to do. Problem - things are seldom as simple as they may appear in areas like this,
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Benjamin announced that he is proud that he has prevented a Palestine state. You can hear it yourself. Panorama concerning Hamas money. This strongly indicates underlying intentions. His announcements still do.

Jerusalem gets mentioned 3 ways. East, West and the Old City. Original idea international control. Pass but these days this would need a UN body. ;) Sort of city council. Maybe just the Old City if that is possible. :) Maybe east and west dustbin men divide to simplify areas like that.

Serious problems. The areas are not joined up now. It needs to be a viable state - one of the major reasons for the UNRWA but there are other areas such as food production. An odd ball - a state needs a currency and that means fiscal controls. Israel having that ????????????? Maybe one of the majors would take it on. All in all it needs to be a fairly stable one.

Crazy isn't it.
Jerusalem gets mentioned 3 ways. East, West and the Old City. Original idea international control. Pass but these days this would need a UN body. ;) Sort of city council. Maybe just the Old City if that is possible. :) Maybe east and west dustbin men divide to simplify areas like that.

Serious problems. The areas are not joined up now. It needs to be a viable state - one of the major reasons for the UNRWA but there are other areas such as food production. An odd ball - a state needs a currency and that means fiscal controls. Israel having that ????????????? Maybe one of the majors would take it on. All in all it needs to be a fairly stable one.

Crazy isn't it.
Crazy, it is but if the UN had embraced the insanity in Palestine as it did with Korea, then a DMZ could've been set up along the 32nd parallel, seperating the two states and maintaining an uneasy peace.
Perhaps the leaders of the three Abrahamic religions could solve the problem of administering Jerusalem as a City such as the Vatican controls within Rome, removing it from secular control by Jew or Arab altogether.
Meanwhile, Israel is today continuing its policy of genocide.
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A growing number of evangelical voters view Trump as the second coming of Jesus Christ and see the 2024 election as a battle not only for America’s soul but for the salvation of all mankind. Many of the Trump followers who stormed the Capitol on 6 January 2021 carried Christian symbols and signs invoking God and Jesus.

Robert Reich@the Guardian

I sh!t you not. These people are dangerously barking and have plenty of 'Dark Money' to support their mad cause to bring about the Revelation.

The Billionaire Bully Who Wants to Turn Texas Into a Christian Theocracy. The state's most powerful figure, Tim Dunn, isn't an elected official. But behind the scenes, the West Texas oilman is lavishly financing what he regards as a holy war against public education, renewable energy, and non-Christians.

Texas Monthly.com
DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli officials will meet Saturday night on the next steps after the latest talks with the United States, Egypt and Qatar in search of a deal on pausing the fighting in Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. But Netanyahu announced that he’ll convene the Cabinet early next week to “approve the operational plans for action in Rafah,” including the evacuation of civilians, despite widespread warnings from the international community about a military ground operation in the southern city where more than half of Gaza’s population shelters. “Only a combination of military pressure and firm negotiations” would achieve Israel’s aims in the war, he said.

A senior official from Egypt, which along with Qatar is a mediator between Israel and the Hamas militant group, said mediators were waiting for Israel’s official response to a draft deal that includes the release of up to 40 women and older hostages held in Gaza in return for up to 300 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel, mostly women, minors and older people.

Associated Press.com

You really think Netanyahu will order a ceasefire now?
C4 had an ex Israeli PM on, from memory he lost the position in 2009. Not much use but left me with the impression his view was HAMAS are crushed so wont be negotiating with them.

Who's negotiating. Tricky but from bits and pieces in the news it would appear to involve US, Egypt, Israel and HAMAS politicians. Debate currently is said to be numbers released from both sides and it appears a ceasefire becomes a pause. Names of those released may even figure. Most of the info is leaks really,

Benjamin is bound to keep attacking Rafar in the news as he will see it as leverage to get what he wants and of course might do it. Things in that area are still being blown up. Also in many other areas of the Strip. Death counts from some of those now can only be estimates. Rubble is being cleared up by hand looking for bodies. Somebody has calculated the total amount of rubble that will need to be cleared up - rather a lot and probably higher now.

It seems the US is telling Israel now is the chance to have peace with your neighbours.

Benjamin - seems he has to go as he is unpopular. While the war is going on or after it's over and who will pop up next?
Israel is using water cannon on demo's now. Benjamin's popularity decrease almost as soon as the attack started. Reason then failing to protect them. That aspect seems to have increased daily with no other clear reason other than hostage return.

AlJ and BBC report - snap. The Paris meeting appears to be the reason for hope. Seems it involved security and intelligence people. No HAMAS. Then the Isreali side go report to their politicians. HAMAS kicked off with a ceasefire for some period and hostage releases but a series of them.

BBC - just came in. Reuters - Israeli HAMAS meeting in Qatar this week.

Also mention of a security council meeting concerning ? aid.

Final solution ;) nice choice of words. US going around the various Arab states discussing it. I've noticed Blinken looks rather glum these days. He usually manages smiles from time to time. Will the Arabs really trust the west on this particular issue?
I've noticed new Hasbarah instructions have gone out telling supporters to keep the hatred and genocide justifications down, as they are not working, and try to sound peaceful.

Bit difficult while Israel's genocide of Palestinians continues.

Perhaps they will say it's all Bibi's fault and nobody elected his government.
Hasbara (Hebrew: הַסְבָּרָה) has no direct English translation, but roughly means "explaining". It is a communicative strategy that "seeks to explain actions, whether or not they are justified". As it focuses on providing explanations about one's actions, hasbara has been called a "reactive and event-driven approach".

Seems there is an Israeli war cabinet meeting tonight. Subject attack on Rafar and some sort of basis for a "pause"

2nd hand, Alj based on Benjamin chats with US media. He will go ahead with the evacuate and attack Rafar what ever happens. A must do to win. So ceasefires wont mean much really if this is correct.

In the wake of Israel’s devastating war on Gaza, the Jerusalem municipality has stepped up home demolitions on the east side of the city, which Israel annexed from the occupied West Bank in 1967 and where most of Jerusalem’s 362,000 Palestinians live. During the first nine months of 2023, Israel demolished a total of 97 Palestinian homes. But 87 homes have been bulldozed in East Jerusalem since Hamas’s deadly attack on Israeli communities and military outposts in southern Israel on October 7 last year, according to Ir Amim, a local non-profit which monitors home demolitions and advocates for Palestinian rights.

Al Jazeera.com

The Lord of Hosts is a vengeful God.
And a strict enforcer of planning laws.
Based on a law that was introduced long after many houses had been built which can it seems be used to declare them as illegal. That according to reports. It's extremely difficult for a Palestinian to get permission.

The comes some one drilling holes in a Palestinian house. Seems to be a frightener done to see what demolition gear is needed.

Similarly an Israeli lady reported 3,000 new settler houses being fast tracked by the gov of a total intent of 8,000. She mentioned that each is usually a slow process but their gov can fix that. There has been mention of this very recently. Might be the US or someone saying don't, not sure
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