Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Israel has often pretended it wants the same. But the right time somehow never comes.

Arabs identifying as Palestinians have rejected a two state solution on at least 4 occasions.
1. 1937 Peel commission.
2. 1947 UN resolution 181
3 & 4. Twice by Yasser Arafat in the build up to the Oslo 2 Accords.
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Your faux concern and being offended on behalf of fascists, is pathetic.

I'm not offended on anyone's behalf. A racist ***t is a racist ***t and deserves to be reported, surely you agree?, you're not a supporter of racists are you?
Arabs identifying as Palestinians

I see you are approaching this with the attitude who considers that Palestine does not exist, and has already been obliterated from the earth.

A popular view among Zionists, as you know.
I'm not offended on anyone's behalf. A racist ***t is a racist ***t and deserves to be reported, surely you agree?, you're not a supporter of racists are you?

So you applaud your racist posts being reported.
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I see you are approaching this with the attitude who considers that Palestine does not exist, and has already been obliterated from the earth.

A popular view among Zionists, as you know.

It's only in recent years Gazans have considered themselves as anything other than Egyptians.
It's only in recent years Gazans have considered themselves as anything other than Egyptians.
Not as recent as people self-identifying as "Israelis" were New Yorkers, Europeans and New Zealanders.

The Palestinians are not recent immigrants.
A racist ***t is a racist ***t and deserves to be reported, surely you agree?

So why won't you condemn netanyahu celebrating zionist terrorism?

Therefore that statement of yours is complete b*llux and you are a s always avoiding the issue!
I presume filly has already reported himself to the police for posts supporting genocide and stirring up racial hatred.
Wix Online Platforms has been ordered to pay $38,100 in compensation to an Irish former employee whom it fired after she made her comments about Israel on social media. According to local newspaper The Irish Sun, the multinational company, which has an office in Dublin, accepted that it had unfairly dismissed customer care team lead Courtney Carey on October 23 over online comments she had made about the Israeli war on Gaza.

In posts and comments online, Carey criticised the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza by Israel. The controversy prompted Ireland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin to weigh in on the issue, saying that Carey’s dismissal was “unacceptable” as employees “should be allowed their individual viewpoints.” @Al Jazeera

Israel claims to be a democratic state but the government reveals its true intent when they make these attempts to shut down debate and free speech. Since October 7, Israeli forces have detained more than 9,760 Palestinians from the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society and the Commission for Detainee’s Affairs have said. No reason given other than a suspicion of belonging to an organisation against Israel activity in the West Bank where illegal settlements have been claimed without regard to international law. While there is no justice, there will be no peace.
Classic indeed...

mottie never gives an answer to questions asked of him, but demands answers of his questions...

Which are usually given...

filly never gives an answer to questions asked of him, but demands answers of his questions...

Which are usually given...

One and the same?

You're both apologists!

But I wonder what you both think about the recent ICJ ruling against Israel?

"Friday’s international court of justice (ICJ) ruling was a wholesale repudiation of Israel’s legal justifications for its 57-year (and counting) occupation of Palestinian territory"

Linky Linky

"The ICJ has demolished Israel’s claim that the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip are not occupied, merely “disputed”. The Israeli government has long stressed that there was no “Palestine” whose land it could occupy because, until the six-day war of June 1967, the West Bank and East Jerusalem had been held by Jordan, which has since relinquished any claims to them, and the Gaza Strip was administered by Egypt, which certainly doesn’t want it back.

But the court held that for legal purposes, occupation is the product of a military takeover of land, regardless of its status. Even Gaza has long been occupied, the court found, despite Israel’s 2005 disengagement, because Israel maintained authority over various aspects of life in Gaza that could be exercised when it wished"

Do you dispute international law?
According to local newspaper The Irish Sun, the multinational company, which has an office in Dublin, accepted that it had unfairly dismissed customer care team lead Courtney Carey on October 23 over online comments she had made about the Israeli war on Gaza.

Is this the same as the Gazan war on Israel?
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