Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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Is this the same as the Gazan war on Israel?
What Gazan war on Israel?

You keep telling us it is a Hamas war

After all there is no official state of Gaza :rolleyes:

And have you yet worked out whether or not to condemn netanyahu for celebrating zionist terrorism?
Well at least you are being honest...

As honest as an apologist for genocide and illegal occupation can get I guess!
I love your fashionable faux genocide concerns. It’s not your concern of Palestinians though is it? It's just your hatred of Jews and your sucking up to JohnD that is driving your 'concern' unless you can point us in the direction of any of your other posts decrying genocide against any other people. Black, brown or yellow people for instance or have there been none that have taken your fancy in the 20 years you’ve been on this forum? You try to hide your racist tendencies but it’s often what you don’t say that gives you away. Ellal the dirty little undercover racist.
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I love your fashionable faux genocide concerns.
You having difficulty believing that someone has genuine concerns about genocide?
Any right-thinking person that believes that genocide is being committed, especially on the scale, and with blatant immorality, that we're currently seeing in Gaza, would be concerned.
You have a habit of projecting your beliefs and absence of morality onto others.
Couldn’t GAF about it.
Classic indeed...

mottie never gives an answer to questions asked of him, but demands answers of his questions...

Which are usually given...

But I wonder what you both think about the recent ICJ ruling against Israel?

"Friday’s international court of justice (ICJ) ruling was a wholesale repudiation of Israel’s legal justifications for its 57-year (and counting) occupation of Palestinian territory"

Linky Linky

"The ICJ has demolished Israel’s claim that the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip are not occupied, merely “disputed”. The Israeli government has long stressed that there was no “Palestine” whose land it could occupy because, until the six-day war of June 1967, the West Bank and East Jerusalem had been held by Jordan, which has since relinquished any claims to them, and the Gaza Strip was administered by Egypt, which certainly doesn’t want it back.

But the court held that for legal purposes, occupation is the product of a military takeover of land, regardless of its status. Even Gaza has long been occupied, the court found, despite Israel’s 2005 disengagement, because Israel maintained authority over various aspects of life in Gaza that could be exercised when it wished"

Do you dispute international law?

When it suits them, yes.

Documents uncovered by Peace Now* illustrate how Israel’s pro-settler government has quietly poured money into the unauthorized outposts, which are separate from its more than 100 officially recognized settlements. Some of those outposts have been linked to settler violence against Palestinians and are sanctioned by the U.S. The Ministry of Settlements and National Mission, which is headed by a far-right settler leader, confirmed it budgeted 75 million shekels ($20.5 million) last year for security equipment for “young settlements” — the term it uses for unauthorized Jewish farms and outposts in the West Bank. The money was quietly authorized in December while the country’s attention was focused on the war against Hamas in Gaza.

The group estimates approximately 500 people live on the small, unauthorized farms and 25,000 more live in larger outposts. Those outposts, while not officially authorized by the government, often receive tacit support before they are retroactively legalized. Rights groups say the expanding network of remote farms atop West Bank hilltops are the primary drivers of violence and displacement of Palestinians. In the last month alone, Israel’s government has legalized five formerly unauthorized settlements and made the largest land grab in the West Bank in three decades, declaring a wide swath of the territory state land in preparation for new construction.

Associated Press

*Peace Now is the largest and longest-standing Israeli movement advocating for peace through public pressure. Under the mission of arriving at peace agreements between Israel and its neighbors, Peace Now currently works to ensure Israelis embrace the only viable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: two states, meaning the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel.

FillyB. chose to support the Zionist government and their Fascist fanclub rather than the Israeli peace activists.
FillyB. chose to support the Zionist government and their Fascist fanclub rather than the Israeli peace activists.
.) Filly is a bit of a mix. He doesn't support the settlements. Israel has a process for forming them usually slow. Some Israeli don't support them either and reports do come out from these now and again. They say that once the war started their gov started fast tracking more building. Other similar reports have come out since also brand new ones in retaliation against some countries deciding to recognise Palestine as a state. Lots do anyway but in general not the west. These countries as members of the UN general assembly are the ones behind the various court actions a step up from things like the huge number of UN hearings Israel has. They seek a legal view from the IC's. What happens with those and hearings is purely down to the Security council.

Now switch to an Israeli couple who live in a settlement. Nothing odd ball about them. One of them was a fitness trainer. Why do they live there? Pretty simple really house prices compared with the cities. Roads and infrastructure are added purely for them making them suburbs of the cities. It seems there have been gov incentives for movement as well. No details but it gets mentioned. OK there are other factors but the above is a basic feature. Chuck in expansionism, religion and etc. There are even archaeological sites in the west bank that get split between religions.

There is another factor as well. Size. It's a tiny place.
If Wales were an independent state it would be 153rd in the rankings of the world's 233 states and dependencies – slightly smaller than Israel (22,072 sq. kms.) and larger than Slovenia (20,273 sq. kms.), or Kuwait (17,818 sq.
Now switch to an Israeli couple who live in a settlement. Nothing odd ball about them. One of them was a fitness trainer. Why do they live there? Pretty simple really house prices compared with the cities. Roads and infrastructure are added purely for them making them suburbs of the cities. It seems there have been gov incentives for movement as well. No details but it gets mentioned. OK there are other factors but the above is a basic feature. Chuck in expansionism, religion and etc. There are even archaeological sites in the west bank that get split between religions.

There is another factor as well. Size. It's a tiny place.
If Wales were an independent state it would be 153rd in the rankings of the world's 233 states and dependencies – slightly smaller than Israel (22,072 sq. kms.) and larger than Slovenia (20,273 sq. kms.), or Kuwait (17,818 sq.

As far as i know, Wales isn't trying to move welsh speaking settlements into Oswestry or claim the land around Shrewsbury for its own citizens, or even revive the cult of King Arthur in order to justify the illegal land grabbing.
Israel bombs another school.
Pass but reports of rocket firing were from part of Khan Yunis not central Gaza. Reports mention evacuation orders to the usual place but not much time before the bombs arrived.

;) One for you Filly. When I hear reports I always watch the video. There is often further info in them. There are clearly working ambulances in a number of places. Where from etc pass but they are very clearly having difficulties treating injured people just on the basis of capacity while ignoring other factors.
As far as i know, Wales isn't trying to move welsh speaking settlements into Oswestry or claim the land around Shrewsbury for its own citizens, or even revive the cult of King Arthur in order to justify the illegal land grabbing.
LOL are you sure. There are large areas in Wales where only their language is generally used also schools where people are expected to learn it. It's being actively encouraged. Some one who does teach it told me the classes are full and more and more keep arriving.
The latest incitement comes from Far-right Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir who says Jewish people are allowed to pray at Al-Aqsa Mosque, a statement that goes against a decades-long policy. “I am in the political echelon, and the political echelon allows Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount,” he said in a speech at a convention encouraging Jewish visits to the holy site.

They're just trolling now, really.
Unusual IDF raid in the west bank. A camp of course The usual things attacked all over. Drone killed 5. Women and daughter and it seems 2 Hamas. Dozer went in as usual, took up some road and knocked down some buildings.

Then it gets weird. Dozer leaves with some of the bodies in it's bucket.

AlJ have been going through all of the agricultural land destruction in Gaza. Rather a lot of it.
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