Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Then it gets weird. Dozer leaves with some of the bodies in it's bucket.

Removing, hiding or destroying bodies allows supporters of the Zionist Genocide to describe the deaths as "not confirmed."

They like doing this so they can deny the casualty figures.
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Removing, hiding or destroying bodies allows supporters of the Zionist Genocide to describe the deaths as "not confirmed."

They like doing this so they can deny the casualty figures.

And of course they harvest their organs.
And of course they harvest their organs.
Oh, are they still doing that? I doubt they would do it to rotting carcases shovelled off the streets.

I heard that the specialists who mentioned the organ harvesting in hospitals were told to shut their mouths and publish retractions.

Strange that Jewish Israelis are very rarely organ donors

But Israeli transplant stocks and skin grafts continue.
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Oh well maybe you can support your question to fillyboy with the pretence of an answer
Unusual IDF raid in the west bank. A camp of course The usual things attacked all over. Drone killed 5. Women and daughter and it seems 2 Hamas. Dozer went in as usual, took up some road and knocked down some buildings.

Then it gets weird. Dozer leaves with some of the bodies in it's bucket.

AlJ have been going through all of the agricultural land destruction in Gaza. Rather a lot of it.
That's become standard operating procedure: use a 'dozer to dump the bodies then deny everything.
Strange that Jewish Israelis are very rarely organ donors
They do have amongst the lowest Organ donation rate in the 'western world'...

Maybe they don't want their Organs to end up in non jewish people?

Of course if they are in need they will no doubt accept a donated Organ from a Muslim!

Personally on death I have no problem with whoever receives any of my usable organs regardless of race/religion.

Don't give, Don't get!
They do have amongst the lowest Organ donation rate in the 'western world'...

Maybe they don't want their Organs to end up in non jewish people?

Of course if they are in need they will no doubt accept a donated Organ from a Muslim!

Personally on death I have no problem with whoever receives any of my usable organs regardless of race/religion.

Don't give, Don't get!

But one of the highest in the middle east. Your spouting of ****** never ceases to amaze me.
Well still no answer about harvesting organs?
You've already acknowledged it in another thread:
The article said that Israeli troops harvested organs from Palestinians who had died in their custody.
many young men from the West Bank and Gaza Strip had been seized by Israeli forces and their bodies returned to their families with organs missing.
In December 2009, a 2000 interview with the chief pathologist at the L. Greenberg National Institute of Forensic Medicine Yehuda Hiss was released in which he had admitted taking organs from the corpses of Israelis, Palestinians and foreign workers without their families' permission. Israeli health officials confirmed Hiss's confession
But one of the highest in the middle east.
Ah, so Israel isn't part of the western world then according to you...

Thanks for reminding us of that (y)

But just out of interest, would you decline one of your organs being donated to a Palestinian?
Fact checking Netanyahoo is like listening to a Trumpian speech. Here's a few of his 'facts' to Congress:

Netanyahu: “Remember what so many people said? If Israel goes into Rafah, there’ll be thousands, maybe even tens of thousands of civilians killed. Well, last week, I went into Rafah. I visited our troops as they finished fighting Hamas’s remaining terrorist battalions. I asked the commander there, “How many terrorists did you take out in Rafah?” He gave me an exact number: 1,203. I asked him, “How many civilians were killed?” He said, “Prime minister, practically none. With the exception of a single incident, where shrapnel from a bomb hit a Hamas weapons depot and unintentionally killed two dozen people, the answer is practically none.”

The facts: At least 45 people, including children, were killed in just one attack when Israel fired missiles at a camp housing displaced Palestinians in the southern Gaza city in late May. As horrific scenes from the massacre emerged, drawing worldwide condemnation, the United Nations said Rafah was like “hell on Earth”.
Netanyahu: “Israel has enabled more than 40,000 aid trucks to enter Gaza. That’s half a million tonnes of food. And that’s more than 3,000 calories for every man, woman and child in Gaza. If there are Palestinians in Gaza who aren’t getting enough food, it’s not because Israel is blocking it. It’s because Hamas is stealing it.”

The facts: At the beginning of the war, Israel implemented a full blockade of the already besieged Gaza, which included a ban on food, water, medicines and other essential supplies. While this was somewhat eased later under global pressure, the facts on the ground – as reported by the UN, Al Jazeera’s own coverage and other independent organisations – are far removed from the picture painted by Netanyahu. Before the war started, Gaza received an average of 500 aid trucks per day. Since the war started, the UN has recorded a total of 30,630 aid trucks — not 40,000 as Netanyahu said. That averages out to 104 trucks per day, only a fifth of the pre-war amount.
Netanyahu: “The ICC [International Criminal Court] prosecutor accuses Israel of deliberately targeting civilians. What in God’s green earth is he talking about? The [Israeli military] has dropped millions of flyers, sent millions of text messages, made hundreds of thousands of phone calls to get Palestinian civilians out of harm’s way. But at the same time, Hamas does everything in its power to put Palestinian civilians in harm’s way. They fire rockets from schools, from hospitals, from mosques.”

The facts: As of Monday, the Israeli military had marked 83 percent of the Gaza Strip as unsafe for Palestinian civilians. This portion of the enclave has either been declared a “no-go zone” by Israel or residents have been issued evacuation orders, as reported by the UN. Entire neighbourhoods in northern Gaza have been demolished while the “safe zones” in southern Gaza are shrinking.

“The evacuation order was issued in the context of ongoing attacks by the Israeli military and gave no time for civilians to know from which areas they were required to leave or where they should go. Despite the evacuation order, Israeli military operations continued in and around the area unabated,” the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in a press release.
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