Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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It is being used to mean "disagreeing or failing to support any action by anyone in Israel" by trick of altering the meaning of words.

Supporters of genocide throw the accusation around shamelessly. For example on here.

This Israeli ex-Mossad man would therefore be described as anti-Semitic.

A few more people have recently noticed Israel's policy of crushing opposition, especially politicians in other countries who speak truthfully
Nutjob fraud according to wiki. **** me John you certainly have the ability to seek out nutters on facebook.
Always great to see a supporter of genocide pushing the party line.
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It is being used to mean "disagreeing or failing to support any action by anyone in Israel" by trick of altering the meaning of words.

Supporters of genocide throw the accusation around shamelessly. For example on here.

This Israeli ex-Mossad man would therefore be described as anti-Semitic.

A few more people have recently noticed Israel's policy of crushing opposition, especially politicians in other countries who speak truthfully

Blimey the fair weather friend ? Finally sticks up for Corbyn

Better late than never I suppose (y)

Will his other fair weather friends now let him back into the party ???
The term anti semite is a misnomer.
The correct term should be anti jewish as not all jews are of semitic origin.
Most semites are Arab.
However, anti semite has a better ring to it, it sounds like some sort of insect that needs to be squashed.
The correct term should be anti jewish as not all jews are of semitic origin.

But not all Jews support racism, apartheid and genocide.

Perhaps it should be anti-zionist.
Nutjob fraud according to wiki. **** me John you certainly have the ability to seek out nutters on facebook.

I see filly does not deny that he is Israeli

Does not deny that he is ex-Mossad

Does not deny that he would be called anti-semitic

Does not deny that what he says is true

But casts doubt ( or smears) on his background

Who could have seen that coming?

Party line.
There is a sickness at the heart of politics in the UK.
It doesn't matter who wins the next election, things will only get worse.
The lying and hypocrisy in all parties is so blatent, it seems that politicians don't care whether you believe them or not.
The weaponisation of labels like Islamaphobe and anti-Semite to destroy the reputations of opponents is an indication of how far Britain has fallen.
Abraham’s acceptance speech, in which he decried a “situation of apartheid” and called for a ceasefire in Gaza, was one of several moments during the closing ceremony in which film-makers expressed solidarity with Palestine. It sparked an outcry in German media the following day, with several politicians alleging the speeches had been “antisemitic”. “To stand on German soil as the son of Holocaust survivors and call for a ceasefire – and to then be labelled as antisemitic is not only outrageous, it is also literally putting Jewish lives in danger,” Abraham told the Guardian.

As well as receiving death threats on social media, Abraham said several individuals turned up at his family members’ home in Israel, causing them to vacate the premises out of fear for their safety. Abraham, whose grandmother was born in a concentration camp and most of whose father’s family was killed in the Holocaust, said: “You can criticise our acceptance speech, you can say that we should have mentioned the events of 7 October – all that is legitimate. But Germany is weaponising a term that was designed to protect Jews, not only to silence Palestinians but also to silence Jews and Israelis who are critical of the occupation and use the word apartheid. This is also dangerous because it devalues the term antisemitism. This tactic of divide and conquer feels more familiar from military occupations. We will stand united, because our film is about envisioning a future where we can live together with equal rights.”

The Guardian.com

Labelling a man called Abraham as anti-semitic is the most ironic slur i've ever heard.
Will his other fair weather friends now let him back into the party ???
Unlikely. He's tainted. What happens in a general election? Dig up as much possible dirt as can be found against the leader of the opposition or their party. Let's take his talks with the PLO ;) again - they may have helped an eventual agreement with them being reached. The agreement was reached this way. Same is going on with Gaza. ;) The UK has had plenty of situations where similar situations cropped up in the empire. International law says you don't fight you talk. Fat chance sometimes.

Corbyn and nationalisation - duplicate what that used to mean - no. Could he do it now - no. Yet a degree of it is going on even under the Tory.

Behind this is the political party puppet masters. It results in some people having very fixed ideas on the various subjects. These are not the people who determine who wins the election. Things are much the same currently in the US. You could say same the world over.
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I think Tranny will agree that the South African government should never have spoken to Nelson Mandela. The Polish government should never have spoken to Lech Walesa. The UK government should never have spoken to Gerry Adams. The Israeli government should never speak to Marwan Barghouti. Jeremy Corbyn should never have spoken to Arabs.

If your objective is permanent violence and hatred, peaceful discussions must be avoided at all costs.

That's what Tranny wants.
Israel is building a town exclusively for Jewish Israelis. To do so, it is building over homes it destroyed in Umm al-Hiran, a Palestinian Bedouin village in southern Israel. About 120,000 people are living in “unrecognised” villages across the desert, predating the existence of Israel. Umm al-Hiran is an exception since Palestinians moved there in 1956 after they were uprooted from their villages during the Nakba – their forced expulsion during the creation of Israel in 1948. The government uses the “unrecognised” status to deny basic rights and services to these villages as well as to justify confiscations, residents and activists told Al Jazeera.

On February 27, as Israelis and Palestinian citizens of Israel voted in municipal elections across the country, Palestinian Bedouins from “unrecognised” villages were not allowed to vote. According to a report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) from 2008, most Bedouin landowners give up challenging demolition orders since no Israeli judge had ever ruled to protect an “unrecognised” village.

Bedouins are more likely to have issues with Israeli authorities than they do with settlers. Israel’s far-right national security minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, has vocally supported and advocated for the demolition of Palestinian homes, both within Israel and in occupied Palestinian territory. More than a year ago, he posted a video on X where he celebrated the demolition of Palestinian Bedouin homes in the Naqab Desert. With Ben Gvir controlling the Israeli police, al-Amour fears that he may try to destroy more Bedouin villages, including his own.

Al Jazeera.com
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