All that extra time getting your passport stamped…..

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As par for the course the shambles that is the EU have messed up again - the new Entry/Exit System due to start in November has been postponed indefinitely after years of start dates being pushed forward.
That is incorrect

It has been delayed because 3 countries have said they aren’t ready.

So it’s not an EU failure but a nation state failure

The EU have not messed up.
EU interior minister, Ylva Johansson, the Commissioner for Home Affairs said there were “some concerns when it comes to the resilience of the system”. :unsure:
EU interior minister, Ylva Johansson, the Commissioner for Home Affairs said there were “some concerns when it comes to the resilience of the system”. :unsure:
yes, due to IT difficulties in those 3 countries

I have made the key words bold and large to help you

"It is the third time it has been postponed, but this time no new deadline has been set.

The European Commission said the deadline for the Entry/Exit System (EES) would be delayed a month before it was due to come into force after a meeting of EU interior ministers in Luxembourg on Thursday.

Germany, France and the Netherlands had said they were not ready to roll out the new electronic replacement for wet-stamping the passports of non-EU citizens entering the Schengen Zone.

Ylva Johansson, the Commissioner for Home Affairs, said there were “some concerns when it comes to the resilience of the system”.

The three countries are responsible for 40%of all inward traffic in to the EU and have faced IT difficulties.

There have also been warnings that the EES will lead to long queues when first introduced because of the need to submit the biometric data."

I hope that helps
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Hasn't this been going on since 2016 - the EU cant seem to do anything - meanwhile 100s of bureaucrats are getting paid vast sums of dosh to basically keep finding things to keep themselves in work.
How about the new scanners at airports - turn out to be not fit purpose - another EU jem.
That is incorrect

It has been delayed because 3 countries have said they aren’t ready.

So it’s not an EU failure but a nation state failure

The EU have not messed up.
now what are those 3 nations in and whose systems is it they are struggling to implement oh yeah the EU`s
the EU cant seem to do anything
the EU has the worlds largest single market
the EU is the a global regulatory superpower

the EU is very good at lots of things, I am sorry you bias stops you having much of clue about facts

the UK had to take on 100k civil servants just ot deal with brexit.........more staff than the EU employ

yes, due to IT difficulties in those 3 countries

I have made the key words bold and large to help you

"It is the third time it has been postponed, but this time no new deadline has been set.

The European Commission said the deadline for the Entry/Exit System (EES) would be delayed a month before it was due to come into force after a meeting of EU interior ministers in Luxembourg on Thursday.

Germany, France and the Netherlands had said they were not ready to roll out the new electronic replacement for wet-stamping the passports of non-EU citizens entering the Schengen Zone.

Ylva Johansson, the Commissioner for Home Affairs, said there were “some concerns when it comes to the resilience of the system”.

The three countries are responsible for 40%of all inward traffic in to the EU and have faced IT difficulties.

There have also been warnings that the EES will lead to long queues when first introduced because of the need to submit the biometric data."

I hope that helps

A German Interior Ministry spokesperson previously said that three countries – Germany, France, and the Netherlands – which represent around 40 per cent of the affected passenger traffic, were not ready to implement the new border system because the needed central system to be provided by EU-Lisa is not in place yet.

So it was the EU at fault.
EU-Lisa is their internal IT consultancy, they are the ones who are behind.
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