All that extra time getting your passport stamped…..

So the best you can say is it's not better, and probably not much worse generally.

Not exactly an advantage is it. Another, no benefit. And we have yet to control our borders effectively. So that's a minus.

It's the position mottie has maintained for a few years now, it's you and a few others who have tried to paint a picture horrendous delays.
Glad to see you've come around to motties way of thinking.

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It's the position mottie has maintained for a few years now, it's you and a few others who have tried to paint a picture horrendous delays. Glad to see you've come around to motties way of thinking.
Yep, nothings changed for the worse. Peak times, school holidays, frogs on strike = occasional queues.
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Many countries use finger printing and have done for years takes seconds ,as for facial scans Remind us what happens when we present our passports in our own country . Oh yeah your face gets scanned and has done for years now
Yeah, nothing will really change. Instead of showing your face and placing your passport on the reader, you’ll show your face and just place your hand on the reader for your prints to be read. Much safer. No sharing of passports for your lookie likie cousin that’s come over for a working holiday. ;)
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COST, you plum.

What we lose each year :rolleyes:
Really? The conservatives cost us £100b a year since Brexit plus what they spent on covid and they still only left a £13b deficit (I'm not including the £9b Labour gave away to their paymaster friends)? I’d say the conservatives did bloody well, wouldn’t you?;)
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Really? The conservatives cost us £100m a year since Brexit plus what they spent on covid and they still only left a £13m deficit (I'm not including the £9m Labour gave away to their paymaster friends)? I’d say the conservatives did bloody well, wouldn’t you?;)
Good grief, there’s so much wrong with that, it’s hard to know where to start.

Good luck unpicking that Brigadier

I am reminded of that quote by Mark Twain: “They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”
You could always start with how Labour have voted to kill up to 3,850 pensioners while giving £9 billion to their paymasters in the unions.
I’d say the conservatives did bloody well
You would.

I would love to, but I'm not ss blindly loyal in the face of the obvious, as are you.

I can’t complain - I did bloody well out of 14 years of conservative government. Don’t forget, they didn’t get into power because Labour were doing great. Tell us of your suffering in that dark conservative period of your life.
Who on here? Come on all you "quite a few on here". Help Ellal out. Who on here needs to spend more than 3 months out of 6 in the EU including you? Anyone? Nosey? Notch? Carmen? Any other pro and proud Europeans?
I do, but I also have a EU passport.
Couple of years ago a british friend came with us for summer on a one way ticket; no questions asked.
She left with us 4 months later, again no questions asked.
I don't think the EU cares about where we spend our money, as long as it is in one of their countries.
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