And some say MP's are lazy work shirking buggers…

and battle constant traffic, you cannot relax for a second, behind the wheel. Even when at the bus stops, they are dealing with fares, passengers, and their needs. Worth treble what they pay train drivers, able to relax and almost fall asleep in the cab - they even have/need equipment fitted, to remind them to stay awake.
You're right, bus drivers should get more than train drivers, heck maybe they should get more than airline pilots.

Sorry, on almost no level can bus driving be equated to being responsible for a passenger train.
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there is a cheap source of labour, willing to do the job

You don't think the care sector is under-resourced.

You're right, bus drivers should get more than train drivers, heck maybe they should get more than airline pilots.

Sorry, on almost no level can bus driving be equated to being responsible for a passenger train.

It was once suggested, because I am such a good, conscientious, and safe driver, that I might like to swap careers, to become a bus driver. I didn't even concider it as an option for me, because of the stress it would cause me - the constant stop/start, the repetitiveness of the routes, the constant stress of dealing with passengers, the abuse from a few of them, and the rowdy kids.

Compare that, to the peace/relative quiet, and secure environment of the cab, at the front of a train.. Had I not already got my career, I would have been more than happy to drive a modern train.
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Is that a serious comment ?

I've never known any worker ask to be paid less
Yes it’s a serious question. Some people don’t care. They are happy with what they get and like the work they do. They don’t want to change.

Others seek to better themselves, taking on more senior roles, studying in their own time, learning about things that will help them get a promotion.

And then there are those who expect more for doing the same, because they can strike if they don’t get it.
So, do they really need to be paid much more than bus drivers, to help them stay awake and concentrate?
i was a train driver from the wonderful summer of1976 untill 1994
how many bus drivers have to handle 2to 12 vehicles full off passengers or up to around 2500t freight trains
how many have have to control a bus up to 125 miles an hour [or 180mph on hs1channel tunnel route]

we can all simplify a situation to give false argument -----we need full fact to form a proper comparason :unsure: ;)
It was once suggested, because I am such a good, conscientious, and safe driver, that I might like to swap careers, to become a bus driver. I didn't even concider it as an option for me, because of the stress it would cause me - the constant stop/start, the repetitiveness of the routes, the constant stress of dealing with passengers, the abuse from a few of them, and the rowdy kids.

Compare that, to the peace/relative quiet, and secure environment of the cab, at the front of a train.. Had I not already got my career, I would have been more than happy to drive a modern train.
That doesn't mean bus drivers should be getting paid £x more, neither does it mean train drivers should be getting £x less.

I don't doubt driving a bus can be stressful, doesn't make it a £50-60k a year job.
i was a train driver from the wonderful summer of1976 untill 1994
how many bus drivers have to handle 2to 12 vehicles full off passengers or up to around 2500t freight trains
how many have have to control a bus up to 125 miles an hour [or 180mph on hs1channel tunnel route]

we can all simplify a situation to give false argument -----we need full fact to form a proper comparason :unsure: ;)
Did you ever do the east coast main line route driving HST?
And then there are those who expect more for doing the same, because they can strike if they don’t get it.
And there are some who think they are due a pay rise after none for 5 years. Commies...
And then there are those who expect more for doing the same, because they can strike if they don’t get it.
You should not have to beg for a pay rise, in keep with inflation. Nice to know you have your comrades behind you when you do ask though.

Up the workers!
And then there are those who expect more for doing the same, because they can strike if they don’t get it
Like lawyers you mean.

How much have your fees increased?

please provide an example of these people expecting more for doing the same:

Junior Drs = below inflation pay rise
Train drivers = below inflation pay rise
Nurses = below inflation pay rise
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