And some say MP's are lazy work shirking buggers…

whataboutery noted.
The question was - What would YOU do if you wanted to earn more money.
Thats whataboutery.

I challenged you on the desire to sack people because you could pay them less, a Dickensian idea. One of the reasons why Unions are needed, the very people you are attacking.

Dont swerve away. own your comments !
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Thats whataboutery.

I challenged you on the desire to sack people because you could pay them less, a Dickensian idea. One of the reasons why Unions are needed, the very people you are attacking.

Dont swerve away. own your comments !
I said I was happy to be sacked if my employer could find someone who'd do the job cheaper and better.

Its my job to make sure I am that person.
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85% of workers are not members of Unions. They seem to do ok.
Wouldn't be so sure about that. There has been long periods of pretty stable inflation. This can result in companies giving what in real terms are low increases due to how inflation is calculated. It doesn't really relate to basic living costs.

Then the whoopsies come up starting with the banking crisis. Imergency interest rates and QE to prop up the system. :( Then more whoopsies.
Economy stopped for 2 years and government paid people emergency wages. Economy started again and 2 years of demand all happened at the same time. Prices rocketed. Then when it all calmed down, we had a recession, because of the unprecedented situation.
If the unions were "loyally supporting Labour", they wouldn't be giving ammunition to the hypocritical RWRs - by holding

now, would they?
A bit naive don't you think.

If there are sweets being handed out, you don't think some fat kid will go up twice.
well done them, its all about taking control of your own destiny.

Only you can impact the value you have to an employer.
Yes, my aunty in tesco worked really hard, and she now gets paid more than the other Tesco workers.

All without being in the union.

Absoloute rubbish !
85% of workers are not members of Unions. They seem to do ok.

I was only ever a union member, for a couple of years, and for one job which demanded it - or rather one of the places the company frequently contracted to (power generation), demanded it.
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