And some say MP's are lazy work shirking buggers…

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Why? I just asked if any employees here had had more than one rise in 5 years. You said you had so are you an employee then?
how much of a raise have the train operating company bosses had?

how much profit are the shareholders getting
how much of a raise have the train operating company bosses had?

how much profit are the shareholders getting
What’s that got to do with it? FFS, you’ll be working Brexit and your lack of tomatoes into it next.
Not true

Starting salary £30k

"The average train driver salary in the UK is £48,500 per year. Train drivers can expect to begin with an average starting salary of £30,000, with the highest salaries often exceeding £65,000."
What’s that got to do with it? FFS, you’ll be working Brexit and your lack of tomatoes into it next.
It has a lot to do with it.

The Train Operating Companies are creaming off as much profit as they can whilst trying to avoid decent wages and conditions, especially for the engineers, maintenance and platform staff in RMT union

I thought you voted for Brexit for the benefit of ordinary working people of this country…..yet you don’t like unions who campaign for decent wages for ordinary working people
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