being a soldier.

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Freddie said:
read the rest of his post
i have done but it's irrelevent to the point i was making, i gave the points of his argument that i based mine on. to clarify: what reason do those involved in ww1 and 2 have to blame the government?
i respect what the soldiers went through in both wars and what they did for the country that is why it was never mentioned that they should have blamed chamberlain or churchill,they did it to protect their homeland voluntery or under duress or not as the case may be.the comparison i was trying to make regarding ww1,ww2 and present day is lifes have been lost in both instances but now it seems that people have to blame government for it,who ordered it and make someone responsible.I know freddie will slag this statement off and pull it to bits but what i'm trying to say is at the end of the day no one deserves to be made to kill or be killed and then be used for political debates.
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war is an extension of politics by other means.

some politician is always to blame, but the difference is if the cause is just and proper
Doesn't feel 'just and proper' when not in some kind of defence of our own.
I guess a fair section of our society see truth in rather more black and white terms than is the reality ... Ok, Tony not a liar in the strictest terms of the word .. but in the 'streetwise view' he's a bigger 'un than Tom Pepper ... I think a country's leader must have more of the 'common man' persona (even if false) about him win the hearts ... Tony may have the majority of minds .. but I believe it hurts that he just cannot get the hearts on side.
There is a magical 'X' factor within the great leaders .. maybe it is aloofness .. We just do not want our PM to be one of the 'lads' when he patently is not.
Poor old Tone he's gonna win, but lose all at the same time !!
i'd quite happily ' do my duty' and fight for my country.
its when they train you with all the equipment and then when you are exposed to hostilities they take away all your equipment. :evil:
i'd like to see the police force willingly go out on a saturday night without their stab vest on. :evil:

soldiers deserve to be protected by theie equipment and not have it taken off them as a cost cutting exercise. :evil:
ohmygodwhathaveyoudone said:
278 views on this topic but only 33 replies.mmmmmmmmmmmm

Some of us left our 20-foot bargepoles at home today ;)
dabaldie said:
soldiers deserve to be protected by theie equipment and not have it taken off them as a cost cutting exercise. :evil:

That does sicken me, when they send the forces out without enough guns, ammo, fuel, body armour etc. etc.

I would only be mildly surprised if I read that half of the infantry were made to do it in their pants and vest... :rolleyes:
AdamW said:
I would only be mildly surprised if I read that half of the infantry were made to do it in their pants and vest... :rolleyes:

Some of their prisoners would have been glad of that much to wear.
i'd like to see the police force willingly go out on a saturday night without their stab vest on.

if only you really knew, millitary or civil services, its absolutley no different (speaking from bitter experiance) but as usual its the people on the ground that make it work.
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