Bounce or no bounce?

sad that a pop star can have so much sway
As opposed to say a lying scumbag like Tucker Carson, who almost single handedly cost bullshịt news chanel Fox, over half a BILLION dollars, with his lies?
Sad indeed.
I'll take Swifts' endorsement ta. (y)
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Trumpf is the new old man of American politics, he must have lost the plot with those comments about immigrants eating cats and dogs. Even he must surely think twice about on doubling down on this. The funniest (and most surreal) moment was when the fact checker intoned that there have been no credible reports of harm to animals in Springfield. The Simpsons scriptwriters would have killed for a line like that.
many of them will have come from countries where bush meat is normal fare - someones dog or cat is not that far removed from being an animal. I don't know if his stories are true (as we all know he just makes things up) but there is seldom smoke without fire - so I think it is semi plausible (likely extremely exaggerated) and as such would not rule it out 100%
You wanting it to be true is very different to it being not true.

Stick to facts
It is always very telling when people get angry and start calling names - then you just know their argument has little substance.
Like 2 tier policing. Everything is or will be labours fault etc.

You're losing it. And it shows
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If having his arse handed to him in a sling on national tv wasn't a great start to the evening, Donny then failed to get (what a shock) Taylor Swift's endorsement lol. 280 million...
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Trump is a right wing populist whose main strategy is to create fear
Also create divisive factors when he can. His ideas on abortion clearly shows that - effectively allow states to do what they want. It's win win. His claims on what abortion can mean are rubbish as one of the interviewers pointed out.

Unregistered migrants. They have been getting in for donkeys years. Asked what he would do about them - no answer. Crime statistics don't show the same things as he states. The wall. The boarder is way too long to do all and only a tiny % is walled. LOL He says they built them in the wrong place as they start crossing elsewhere. He also seemed to be aware that numbers have reduced under Biden. Close the boarders given where people could cross is a bit of a joke.

Gas and oil. Fracking was unpopular in some parts of the US so hardy surprising that some politicians were against it. Up pops Ukraine and these need looking at a different way. They have been. US like us wont be going green overnight. Trump's view on greening isn't really clear. The US will have some don't and also some musts and people in between. Not having a clear opinion is a good idea in his style of politics. On Venezuela he made sure that there would be no chance of oil investments there from the north. I wonder why? They have the largest reserves and it's population is suffering. Some have been "travelling" to the US as a result.

Apply tariffs to all imports. Actually Biden has applied some more. Rather high ones against China. Electric car and battery related. When this sort of thing goes tit for tat it's hard to know how it will end. True in some ways it is like a sales tax. It needn't result in more jobs as people may still buy them. Make the tariffs so high that local competition can cope - what's the result? Inflation. Best option is to try and get them to produce locally but true some invest in Mexico instead.

Iran. Did you know that inflation there is running at 35%. They are clearly doing very well.

US politics. One style for Ukraine and the opposite for Israel who are also occupying land.

LOL I listened to it all on the web. He got his usual across as did Harris.
Reuters couldn't find anything to report on either.

Fake news. And some believe. And some WANT to believe it.
I like the way they say, "no reports of pets being abused by the immigrant community".
Is there something they're not telling us. :giggle:
It stems from a report where some one said they had seen an immigrant kill a cat.

;) Many moons ago I had eaten at a chinese resteraunt that was later prosecuted for killing cats and and using their meat instead of chicken.
JD Vance spreads debunked claims about Haitian immigrants eating pets. And yet, tales of migrants eating pets spread throughout social media like wildfire. So did the memes and AI images of former President Donald Trump saving kittens and dogs in the hours leading up to the debate. It even made it to the debate itself.
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