It is noted Aveatry was never bothered about the big rise in child poverty and in work poverty…..but of course Aveatry falsely claims these people have plenty of money they just need to “cut down on their Netflix” or “they have the latest iPhone”.
Aveatry hates people on benefits….he says they are “benefit scroungers” the Daily Mail made him believe it
Time for a reminder of the list of standard replies used by the RRL
Lets play the RRL bingo - I have 4 on my card all in just the one Notch post above..
9 Completely make things up that you said and heavily edit your post to fit their point,
10 will make things up that you are thinking and post them in quote marks like its something that you actually said.
11 deliberately try to antagonise a poster to try and get the thread shut down or the poster banned.
15 Something about reading the daily mail.
1 no it doesn't
2 nonsense.
3 Who are these you speak of?
4 something about lizards....or tin foil
5 Ask them?
6 Seriously?
7 When did it say that followed by--- 8
8 Then you will waste your time collating the proof and they will completely ignore it.
9 Completely make things up that you said and heavily edit your post to fit their point,
10 will make things up that you are thinking and post them in quote marks like its something that you actually said.
11 deliberately try to antagonise a poster to try and get the thread shut down or the poster banned.
12. Telling you, you ought to apologise, for correcting their incorrect fact.
13. Stating their opinion as fact, without any source or material to back it up. Otherwise known as a NotchyFact™
14 Accuse people of being XY or Z via some mental gymnastic spurious associations from your post
15 Something about reading the daily mail.