Can Kamala Harris win?

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Now there is only one person in the presidential election suffering cognitive decline

Trump is too old

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Obama was a popular president, but he has yet to declare his support for Harris which must be a concern for her and her supporters.

That does seem strange. But I've just read that in 2020 Obama didn't declare his support for Joe Biden until everybody else had dropped out of the primary. And Biden is one of his best friends as well as having been his VP. Maybe it's just his way.
As I pointed out in another thread on this subject. America is the most racially backward, mysogynistic, male dominated go hung country in the world in my opinion. Kamala Harris is a coloured woman and an ex vp. She will have a huge job to bring the american people over to her side especially the idiots who support the idiot trump. I sincerely hope she can beat him and his followers but I think she has an uphill struggle. I wish her all the luck in the world for the sake of america and the rest of the world.
The laughable thing is, on the one hand they (Republicans and Democrats) talk about wanting to unite the country, and on the other hand they spill all this bile about the opposition party and its leader.

Yes you can assert it's part of the rough and tumble of politics, however it also demonstrates neither really want true unity as they do very little to nurture it, especially someone like Trump!

Why is Trump still a choice ?
Trump is incredibly popular, probably half of America actually want Trump, where as the other half want anyone other than Trump.

So even though Kamila will attract about 50% of the vote, probably 90% of those voting for her are just voting against Trump. and are not actually voting for her.

there could be a situation
Trump 49%
Kamala 10%
Anyone other than Trump 41%

So would that really be fair that Trump looses ?
(i hope he does loose, but not sure that if my above predication came true that it would be a fair result)
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there could be a situation
Trump 49%
Kamala 10%
Anyone other than Trump 41%

So would that really be fair that Trump looses ?
(i hope he does loose, but not sure that if my above predication came true that it would be a fair result)
Yes, because that's how a democratic system works. It's a bit like saying X% of Labour votes here in the recent UK GE were simply protest votes against the Tories.
Trump is incredibly popular, probably half of America actually want Trump, where as the other half want anyone other than Trump.

So even though Kamila will attract about 50% of the vote, probably 90% of those voting for her are just voting against Trump. and are not actually voting for her.

there could be a situation
Trump 49%
Kamala 10%
Anyone other than Trump 41%

So would that really be fair that Trump looses ?
(i hope he does loose, but not sure that if my above predication came true that it would be a fair result)
KH current poll rating is between 47% and 50%.
It's highly unlikely to fall to 10%.
Having read her book, and with the recent support from her Democratic comrades and backers, I suspect she is in for a considerable rise in her poll ratings.
I look forward to a debate between Trump and KH.
KH current poll rating is between 47% and 50%.
It's highly unlikely to fall to 10%.
Having read her book, and with the recent support from her Democratic comrades and backers, I suspect she is in for a considerable rise in her poll ratings.
I look forward to a debate between Trump and KH.
Dems have had a massive rise in donations since the old boy dropped out.
She is a cackling halfwit listen to her word salad speeches see if you can make any sense out of her . She has been lying to the public for years even right up to the other morning when she was still saying she speaks to president regularly and there is nothing up with him
She is a cackling halfwit listen to her word salad speeches see if you can make any sense out of her . She has been lying to the public for years even right up to the other morning when she was still saying she speaks to president regularly and there is nothing up with him
|Better than the Don then
|Better than the Don the
Look at her biggest failure border zsar Biden has hung her out to dry on that 11 million influx with countless criminals drugs and cartels all over America tent ghettos murders rapes etc etc . No hiding it now it's so widespread
She is a cackling halfwit listen to her word salad speeches see if you can make any sense out of her . She has been lying to the public for years even right up to the other morning when she was still saying she speaks to president regularly and there is nothing up with him
I don't see her as a cackling halfwit. She is very intelligent actually

How do you see Trump?
Trump is incredibly popular, probably half of America actually want Trump, where as the other half want anyone other than Trump.

So even though Kamila will attract about 50% of the vote, probably 90% of those voting for her are just voting against Trump. and are not actually voting for her.

there could be a situation
Trump 49%
Kamala 10%
Anyone other than Trump 41%

So would that really be fair that Trump looses ?
(i hope he

Trump is incredibly popular, probably half of America actually want Trump, where as the other half want anyone other than Trump.

So even though Kamila will attract about 50% of the vote, probably 90% of those voting for her are just voting against Trump. and are not actually voting for her.

there could be a situation
Trump 49%
Kamala 10%
Anyone other than Trump 41%

So would that really be fair that Trump looses ?
(i hope he does loose, but not sure that if my above predication came true that it would be a fair result)

The vote over there is about the numbers elected in each state. Each state becomes either republican or democrat (it is possible to be other, but not likely)

Nothing to do with actual % of vote other than a majority in any state
Obama was a popular president, but he has yet to declare his support for Harris which must be a concern for her and her supporters.
There are 2 democraric seniors that haven't as well. Nancy who wanted a run off has. Anyway $100m donations in 24hrs many from new donators. Small amounts.

It's going to be interesting to see who Kamala picks for a running mate. A New Jersey Democart has been mentioned.
Some think she will choose someone suitable from one of the swing states. Reason - it should help her win there.
Look at her biggest failure border zsar Biden has hung her out to dry on that 11 million influx with countless criminals drugs and cartels all over America tent ghettos murders rapes etc etc . No hiding it now it's so widespread
Dod you get that via a personal email from Trump?
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