Can Kamala Harris win?

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I have to admit that I haven't actually watched any of it. But I've just been reading that, at one point, he praised the "late great Hannibal Lecter". If so, that's seriously weird!!!
He's always doing that - and the story of electric boats and sharks. He's a Snake Oil salesman born with a silver spoon.
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She is a cackling halfwit listen to her word salad speeches see if you can make any sense out of her . She has been lying to the public for years even right up to the other morning when she was still saying she speaks to president regularly and there is nothing up with him
The thing is, can we confidently say the Republicans would have done any different if Trump was the serving president and showing evident signs of decline?
He's always doing that - and the story of electric boats and sharks. He's a Snake Oil salesman born with a silver spoon.

He really is! I've just seen this message from him :LOL::LOL::LOL:

"So, we are forced to spend time and money on fighting Crooked Joe Biden, he polls badly after having a terrible debate, and quits the race," Trump said. "Shouldn’t the Republican Party be reimbursed for fraud in that everybody around Joe, including his doctors and the Fake News Media, knew he was not capable of running for, or being, President?"
Harris according to Trump supporters is weak on immigration as she hasn't done anything about it.
Trump seems to have forgotten his wall and says he will deport 2m illegals. This according to him will transform the USA. No crime and etc. He concentrates on Latins. It's hard to get a grip on race and jail in the US as it varies according to area. One aspect is clear - from the Bureau of Prisons
Race# of Inmates% of Inmates
Native American4,3942.8%
They seem to tie Latins in with whites, Best I can do on that is
Black Americans are incarcerated in state prisons at nearly 5 times the rate of white Americans. Latinx Americans are incarcerated at 1.3 times the rate of white Americans.
There are maps in that showing variations across the country just to confuse further.

Seems to me that Trump should concentrate on another aspect of the numbers. The high proportions actually live there.
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This is getting crazier.

The Republicans are threatening legal action to stop Biden from withdrawing.
He still has Obama living rent free in his head. Mainly because of Obamas colour and popularity, which the fat orange idiot can only look on and wonder.
He put enormous effort into closing down Obama-care and failed.
Not to mention his nonsense about BO not being an American.
Look at her biggest failure border zsar Biden has hung her out to dry on that 11 million influx with countless criminals drugs and cartels all over America tent ghettos murders rapes etc etc . No hiding it now it's so widespread
What happened to The (Republican) Wall?
This is getting crazier.

The Republicans are threatening legal action to stop Biden from withdrawing.
Probably on the grounds if he is sane enough to know he's insane he can't be insane. (Catch 22 was it)?
What happened to The (Republican) Wall?
Do you mean the one they started to build and when Biden came into power cancelled any further work on it or do you mean some other wall ?
As I pointed out in another thread on this subject. America is the most racially backward, mysogynistic, male dominated go hung country in the world in my opinion. Kamala Harris is a coloured woman and an ex vp. She will have a huge job to bring the american people over to her side especially the idiots who support the idiot trump. I sincerely hope she can beat him and his followers but I think she has an uphill struggle. I wish her all the luck in the world for the sake of america and the rest of the world.

No Maga is voting Blue; and no Blue is voting for Trump cos of Harris's perceived shortcomings. Not happening. The target for her is- get the Blue vote out; and get some Indys and soft Reds to vote for her. Trump hasn't got the numbers without those.
Trump is incredibly popular, probably half of America actually want Trump, where as the other half want anyone other than Trump.

So even though Kamila will attract about 50% of the vote, probably 90% of those voting for her are just voting against Trump. and are not actually voting for her.

there could be a situation
Trump 49%
Kamala 10%
Anyone other than Trump 41%

So would that really be fair that Trump looses ?
(i hope he does loose, but not sure that if my above predication came true that it would be a fair result)
Not even that simple. It's not about JUST votes, it's about electoral college votes. Not the same thing.
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