Can Kamala Harris win?

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It was utterly bizarre. Especially the bit where he attacks Kamala Harris because she is claiming to be both Black and Indian. She can be both. Because she is! And he was just so rude to the panel, especially the moderator. Was he really going there to try to get black votes, or was it just a performance to show his base how much he despises black people.
It was just Trump being Trump. Trumping and blustering his way through an interview where the questions were direct and not to his liking. Nobody sucked up to his orange ass and plenty of journos refused to attend in the first place. At least he turned up - Kamala had the opportunity but only wanted to do a video link. The GoP are all over the place right now and cannot figure out a line of attack.
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How many civilian casualties in that particular raid? 1 or 2 ?, that's an extraordinary achievement.
Gaza’s Hamas-run health authorities said at the time that the air strike had killed more than 90 people, but denied that Deif was among the dead.

If Israel only managed to kill 1 or 2 civilians while performing an extrajudicial assassination in a foreign country, which is against international law, something must have gone wrong. :rolleyes:
The GoP are all over the place right now and cannot figure out a line of attack.

I know. It's very strange, because just a couple of weeks ago, people on all sides of the debate were saying what a terrible candidate she is. Trump hasn't even managed to find a nickname yet. Do you remember how he attacked Elizabeth Warren in 2020, calling her Pocahontas? Is Kamala Harris too bland for a nickname!

The main thing the right wingers seem to criticise her for is too much laughing and smiling. Whilst I find it endearing, I can see how some might think she is sometimes being condescending. It might be an idea to rein it in a bit just to negate any possible attacks.
I see that after only ten days of campaigning, she reached the same level of support in the polls as Trump.

I wonder what she will achieve after 20 days.
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I know. It's very strange, because just a couple of weeks ago, people on all sides of the debate were saying what a terrible candidate she is. Trump hasn't even managed to find a nickname yet. Do you remember how he attacked Elizabeth Warren in 2020, calling her Pocahontas? Is Kamala Harris too bland for a nickname!

The main thing the right wingers seem to criticise her for is too much laughing and smiling. Whilst I find it endearing, I can see how some might think she is sometimes being condescending. It might be an idea to rein it in a bit just to negate any possible attacks.
He's tried 'Laffin Kamala' but that won't stick, especially since she's having so much fun taking the mickey out of him - that's his Kryptonite: Laughter. Remember the look on his face when Obama 'roasted' him in 2011(?) He hates it.
Trump is getting desperate

He is stuffing election offices with election deniers, so if he loses they will refuse to certify the result


If Israel only managed to kill 1 or 2 civilians while performing an extrajudicial assassination in a foreign country, which is against international law, something must have gone wrong. :rolleyes:

You do realise you're talking about a completely different strike in a different place. You do realise that don't you? Yes you must realise, you couldn't be that stupid surely.
Annoying more countries, and killing the chief negotiator, is an attempt to widen the war and prevent a ceasefire.

So the genocide can continue.

Bibi does not want to get the captives back.

A good war will stoke up nationalistic fever and perhaps keep him in power a bit longer

“The imperative of getting a ceasefire, the importance that has for everyone, remains,” he (Blinken) said in an interview with Channel News Asia on Wednesday.

However, US officials acknowledged the attack in Tehran underscored the challenge they face in bringing about a ceasefire deal to end the war in Gaza and secure the release of hostages, as Haniyeh was Hamas’s main interlocutor with mediators.

“Haniyeh, he was one of the chief negotiators, that makes things much more challenging right now in regards to the hostage negotiations and it makes a hot situation even hotter,” said senator Ben Cardin, chair of the Senate foreign relations committee.
You do realise you're talking about a completely different strike in a different place. You do realise that don't you? Yes you must realise, you couldn't be that stupid surely.
You do realise that there were no civilian casualties reported in the Iran strike, don't you. Yet you claimed only one or two civilians killed.
You must realise. You couldn't be that stupid, surely.

How many civilians deaths would you consider acceptable?
Biden has made a last gasp. Organised a prisoner exchange with Russia. He makes a big point that it was achieved via them and allies working together as Russian prisoners have been sent back from various countries to arrange the entire deal.

Some feel this will help Harris. Pundits - amazed that all security services have been talking to each other for some time despite what is going on.

LOL Super Man as disappointed says he'd have got them back without offering the Russians anything in return.

Biden - well he may have some more gasps to come.
Bad news for Biden. Stock market problems. Intel saying that they are going to shed a load of jobs due to performance problems wont have helped.

The problem area is tech and that has bought on fears of a recession. Will the FED act quickly enough etc. Apple it seems is ok despite falling iPhone sales.

Other markets have gone in a similar direction. An additional "problem" the bank of Japan upped interest rates from 0.1% to 0.25%. This it seems will revalue the yen. TBH given the level I wonder. Pass they are supposed to know what they are doing both the banks and the markets.

There seems to be a feeling that tech shares are overpriced. An area that has interested me following the dot com bubble and the basic reason. Not major share dealers but ordinary punters chasing high returns. More and more go for it and prices rocket. Actually I was kidded into a share ISA scheme by an advisor. If he had told me that Llioyds had sold it while it was still doing fairly well I wouldn't have had anything to do with it.

However a very brief report and pundits are pundits but the share price changes are real. The US jobs report comes out today. That may make things worse.
According to Newsweek, Harris now leads Trump in seven national polls. I've just taken a subscription at £2 per month to the New York Times. There's a fascinating article about how she learnt from her mistakes in 2020 and has turned all those negatives into positives. What I had completely forgotten was that she had started those primaries as the big favourite, but for various reasons, some to do with Democrat squabbling, she flopped. For instance, being a tough prosecutor was seen as a disadvantage in the primaries but now it's seen as a positive when running against Trump.
An FT commentator agreed with the suggestion that "the first party to ditch its 80-year-old candidate will win."

having campaigned about doddery old men losing their marbles

Trump is now what he campaigned against

He will be over 80 part-way through the next term

And is older now than Biden was when Trump started attacking him

And far more demented
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