Can Kamala Harris win?

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It doesn't matter whether it was popular or not, it was against international law.
It's the law that is the standard, not the popularity of the crime.

It's not as clear cut as that, that's why the links you provided to show it was against international law made full use of the words 'debateable' and 'questionable'. Because the extrajudicial killing of a known terrorist who remains a threat to your country 'can be considered' self defence.

Russians killing their own traitors on UK soil aint the best comparison is it, that is against international law, has Putin been nicked for it?, any UN sanctions against him for it?
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You're ignoring the pressure on the Palestinians, Lebanon, Iran, Qatar, and the other Middle East actors.
That is why the actions of Israel on extrajudicial assassination is so dangerous, it nullifies the pressure on Iran, Lebanon, Qatar, etc.
Some sort of reprisal is inevitable, but it has to be so measured as to not provoke all-out war.
Any incremental escalation will inevitably lead to all-out war.

Who are the 'etc' you refer to?, do you think Saudi, Jordan and Egypt are on the side of the terrorists?
Who are the 'etc' you refer to?, do you think Saudi, Jordan and Egypt are on the side of the terrorists?
Who knows how individual nations will form alliances in the event of regional all-out conflict.
Israel's allies are deserting her.
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It's not as clear cut as that, that's why the links you provided to show it was against international law made full use of the words 'debateable' and 'questionable'. Because the extrajudicial killing of a known terrorist who remains a threat to your country 'can be considered' self defence.

Russians killing their own traitors on UK soil aint the best comparison is it, that is against international law, has Putin been nicked for it?, any UN sanctions against him for it?
There is no doubt about the lawful and preferred method of dealing with those wanted by other countries, and entering a third country to commit extrajudicial assassinations is not it.
"I think it's deeply troubling if we are indeed moving to a place where you can have a global assassination policy for those who are perceived to cause trouble," he added.
When nation states resort to extrajudicial assassinations, international law becomes a farce, and world order as we know it disintegrates.
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Have they? would it?

They've killed the chief negotiator and possibly triggered a direct conflict with Iran. That has to be a setback. I think a peace deal would have been a big boost for Biden. Not sure if that would transfer to Harris.
They've killed the chief negotiator and possibly triggered a direct conflict with Iran. That has to be a setback. I think a peace deal would have been a big boost for Biden. Not sure if that would transfer to Harris.

But there's always been a direct conflict with Iran, nobodies fooled by proxies anymore. I'm sure Iran will find another 'negotiator' as equally opposed to a ceasefire as his predecessor.
The only thing stopping Israel from an all out attack is the US, and yes, they have an existential struggle to defend their homeland from outside aggressors.
They have an existential struggle to exterminate the owners and residents of the land they steal.
They have an existential struggle to exterminate the owners and residents of the land they steal.
Israel's tactics are against international law and in disregard of numerous UN Resolutions.

But some western democracies support them because they look more like Caucasian and their religion is not so far from Christianity, than a typical Arab Muslim.
Yet their behaviour, tactics and policies are as bad or worse than the so-called terrorists as labelled by those western democracies.

But those western democracies can never admit to being mistaken in gifting the land not belonging to them to Israel.
To admit an error in judgement way back then when Israel was given land by those to whom it did not belong, might open them to mahooosive claims for impropriety.
So they're stuck with supporting their erroneous policy.
It was utterly bizarre. Especially the bit where he attacks Kamala Harris because she is claiming to be both Black and Indian. She can be both. Because she is! And he was just so rude to the panel, especially the moderator. Was he really going there to try to get black votes, or was it just a performance to show his base how much he despises black people.
Trump said in the interview it started lates due to faulty equipment…..

It has emerged the delay was Trump:

“When Donald Trump took the stage over an hour late at NABJ, he blamed the event's faulty equipment. But new reporting shows that Trump was actually too afraid to take the stage unless they agreed not to fact check him”

A problem for KH appears to be the choice of vice P. No obvious candidate yet. They need to be white, probably male and as quick & savvy as the (female interviewer) journalist in Notch's youtube. Let's face it Trump isn't that hard to puncture.
Then the easy bit - he has to be of unimpeachable integrity, common sense and solid on economics. Trump lies all the time, and his declared economic policies point to a drive, according to the prevailing consensus view, into recession through higher prices, lower taxes, a shortage of workers, and companies going bust.
Even Republicans have people like that, so someone centrist and appealing shouldn't be too hard to find on the blue side.
Those who promote trump-like Reaganomics can be reminded of that administration's near trebling of their national debt.
KH needs to get votes from the persuadable voters. I don't think JD Vance has had much effect there, but KH's #2 could.

I'm not holding my breath but I'm hopeful.
Trump said in the interview it started lates due to faulty equipment…..

It has emerged the delay was Trump:

“When Donald Trump took the stage over an hour late at NABJ, he blamed the event's faulty equipment. But new reporting shows that Trump was actually too afraid to take the stage unless they agreed not to fact check him”

Wayne's World gets Politico.
Is he a shwiiiing voter?:cool:
A problem for KH appears to be the choice of vice P. No obvious candidate yet. They need to be white, probably male and as quick & savvy as the (female interviewer) journalist in Notch's youtube. Let's face it Trump isn't that hard to puncture.
Then the easy bit - he has to be of unimpeachable integrity, common sense and solid on economics. Trump lies all the time, and his declared economic policies point to a drive, according to the prevailing consensus view, into recession through higher prices, lower taxes, a shortage of workers, and companies going bust.
Even Republicans have people like that, so someone centrist and appealing shouldn't be too hard to find on the blue side.
Those who promote trump-like Reaganomics can be reminded of that administration's near trebling of their national debt.
KH needs to get votes from the persuadable voters. I don't think JD Vance has had much effect there, but KH's #2 could.

I'm not holding my breath but I'm hopeful.

I think she has several very good choices of centrist white male running mates. None of them can ever be perfect. To me, Kelly seems a bit of a lightweight. Walz might be the safe choice. Shapiro is not loved by the base, it seems, but looks to be the favourite.
... They need to be white, probably male ...
...white male running mates. ....
I'd PMSL if you were both wrong.

Imagine if she chose Michelle Obama as a running mate.
Yes, I know Michelle is not in the game, but it just shows that KH could choose a non-black female and they'd float into the Whitehouse on a cloud.
A white one not a black cloud. :giggle:
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