Can Kamala Harris win?

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The Republicans have come up with a new nickname for Walz. They're calling him "Tampon Tim". Because as governor he passed a law requiring schools to provide free sanitary products. The Republicans just get weirder! Who could possibly be against free sanitary products?
In girls and boys restrooms

I presume to cater for trans….that’s prob what they don’t like
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If this continues...
Screenshot 2024-08-10 at 15.59.25.png

Donnie's in trouble...
USA has an electoral college system, which means that the Presidential candidate who gets the most votes does not necessarily become president.

Small states with small populations have disproportionate power.

For example, Trump in 2016 lost the popular vote, by 2,868,686

So it's wrong to say the Anerican public didn't vote for Hillary.

So did George Dubbya Bush in 2000, by 538,179

I think it's more than a hundred years before that, since the College last overturned the popular vote.

Kamala will need a lead of millions to be safe.
The court cases against Trump might still play a role.

The stolen papers case seems to be dead until after the election. The judge in that case is a huge Trump supporter and made a decision which is thought by almost everyone to be legally bonkers. Basically saying that the whole mechanism for appointing independent prosecutors to investigate presidents is unconstitutional. But that will take months for the prosecution to appeal.

Trump is due to be sentenced in September on the felony fraud case.

And then, most interestingly, is the case about trying to overturn the election, which includes the 6 January Capitol invasion. Last month the Supreme Court ruled that a President has some immunity. But it sent the case back to the trial judge to decide which charges could go still ahead. She is indicating that she will do this in public in what they are calling a "mini trial". So, although Trump would not actually be on trial at this point, all the evidence against him would be heard in open court as she decides which parts can go forward to the full trial. That could still be hugely damaging for him if it starts in late September as some are suggesting.
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I started this thread by saying that, after everything I had read about Kamala Harris, I was surprised by how good she actually was. I've just watched her final speech of this swing state tour, and she is now even better. She is passionate, charismatic, funny, kind, empathetic and a wonderful and skillful speaker. A bit like Obama but without the annoying bits and the self love. Whether this is enough, only time will tell. But the difference in the crowd compared to the Trump rally the other night was stark. There, in Montana, the people behind him looked utterly miserable. Some were yawning, one was even texting. But in Las Vegas with Harris, people were beaming and laughing and just totally pumped.
I was surprised by how good she actually was. I've just watched her final speech of this swing state tour, and she is now even better. She is passionate, charismatic, funny, kind, empathetic and a wonderful and skillful speaker.

And a bit weird?
Trumps education seems quite poor.

He obviously missed out on modern languages.

The meltdown continues! Trump has now been posting that Harris' crowds are all AI generated. She knows this issue is obsessing him and her and Walz are trolling him very effectively at every rally by talking about the size of their crowds. Her campaign replied to one of Trump's latest posts by posting a video of a huge crowd waiting for her and Walz at the airport. Whereas a video on the previous page of this thread shows Trump waving to an imaginary crowd from the steps of his plane :LOL:

“She’s a CHEATER. She had NOBODY waiting, and the ‘crowd’ looked like 10,000 people! Same thing is happening with her fake ‘crowds’ at her speeches,” Trump added. “She should be disqualified because the creation of a fake image is ELECTION INTERFERENCE."

“Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she ‘A.I.’d’ it, and showed a massive ‘crowd’ of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST!”
Obviously he never met Filly or Mot. :LOL:
I can appreciate that they are an asset to the site, in the advice they give. Although I don't follow their DIY advice, I'm just guessing.
If they are ever feeling in a flouncing mood. I would urge them, in the interest of the site in general, to just flounce out of the General Discussion forum.
Trumps education seems quite poor.

He obviously missed out on modern languages.

With a German dad, he should know better than to jig along when when they play a song for him with the chorus "lick my ****"

His educated wife knows better.
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