Can Kamala Harris win?

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It'll be a mutual love fest and they'll agree on some utterly insane right wing conspiracy theories.
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Whiny Trump is crying because people are calling him rude names

He calls Vance, 'Shady' - it might catch on...

..."will the real Dim Shady please stand up, please stand up, please stand up." :D
Are you in favour of politicians having some military history or against? One of your heroes - Trump (convicted rapist, swindler, fraudster), disparages those that have served and he dodged military service at every opportunity. I can't work out whether you salute those that have served or salute the likes of scumbag Trump, who has cheated his way through life and dodged military service.

Can you clarify please? Or is it that you dislike those that tell lies? Can't work out where your loyalties lie on this one. :confused:
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Are you in favour of politicians having some military history or against?

This is a very important point. The Republicans have been utter scum for a long time and in recent decades they try to bring down any opposing politician who has served. Not just John Kerry. I've been reading that many of those with military experience are put off from standing.
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It might be really good, or, very very very bad.

It seems to have been a damp squib. Two hours of exactly the same boring whining as usual. Although Trump does seem to be struggling to speak clearly, almost like a mild speech impediment. That could just be the Twitter platform. But he sounds a bit like Elmer Fudd at times.
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'We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at,' Walz said in the clip, which was filmed when he represented Minnesota in the House of Representatives.
The DM written version of what they thought they heard Walz say:
Here it is again, with a couple of commas added. See how the whole sentence takes on a different tone.
'We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried, in war is the only place where those weapons are at,' Walz said in the clip, which was filmed when he represented Minnesota in the House of Representatives.
I.e weapons of war should only exist in war scenarios.
The DM interpretation doesn't make sense.
E.g. 'We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at,' Walz said in the clip, which was filmed when he represented Minnesota in the House of Representatives.
i.e. the weapons of war that he carried only exist where?

In the Youtube video of the actual event, there is a definite pause between, 'those weapons of war that I carried', and 'in war'
"(In fact, an underrated threat to Trump is that his air of cantankerous dejection becomes off-putting and therefore self-fulfilling.)"

Keep whining, weirdo.
With his father's encouragement, Walz enlisted in the Army National Guard the day after he turned 17.[4][13] His father had served in the Korean War and paid for his education degree with the G.I. Bill,[13] and he wanted his son to have the same opportunity.[13]

Walz served in the National Guard for 24 years after enlisting in 1981.[32] During his military career, he had postings in Arkansas, Texas, the Arctic Circle, New Ulm, Minnesota, Italy, and elsewhere.[32] He trained in heavy artillery.[32] During his service, he worked in disaster response postings following floods and tornadoes and was deployed overseas.[32] In 1989, he earned the title of Nebraska Citizen-Soldier of the Year.[33]

In 2001, Walz completed the 20 years of service needed for retirement from the Guard, but he reenlisted after the September 11, 2001 attacks.[34] In August 2003, Walz deployed with the Minnesota National Guard to Vicenza, Italy, for nine months to serve with the European Security Force as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.[35][36][37] Walz attained the rank of command sergeant major near the end of his service[38] and briefly was the senior enlisted soldier of 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery Regiment.[39] His decorations included the Army Commendation Medal and two Army Achievement Medals.[40][41]

Seems he never carried a gun - LOL.
Yes. Because of the National Guard's dual state-federal mission, Guard members can be mobilized to protect and defend America in battle domestically or overseas. Should this happen, you'll be trained, ready and prepared to go, mentally and physically.
Trump is having an interview with Elon Musk late tonight on twitter. His advisers desperately want him to dial down the crazy. Is a love in with Musk really the best way to do this?
It was delayed by some technical issues.
Of course that might be an excuse to record the discussion, delete any unwanted comments, then air the result. :unsure:
I don't whether it is the Twitter sound quality, but the Elmer Fudd thing is really funny. Trump is so obsessed with his image that he is going to hate this. He sounds like an old man in a nursing home boring his grandchildren. I've just stared listening to a bit at 2hrs 29mins for a couple of minutes and I can't stop laughing.
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