Can Kamala Harris win?

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Independent suggests that line of attack could backfire.

IMO, this guy has totally misunderstood why it's funny. If Trump really had a speech impediment, then people wouldn't be making fun of him. It's funny because of the way that Twitter distorts his voice and makes him sound like a cartoon. A bit like when someone inhales helium and then talks, that is naturally funny. And it is especially funny with Trump, both because he is so cruel about other people and because he is so obsessed with his own image. The journalist who first wrote that Trump has small hands, forty years ago, said that every year Trump sends him a photocopy of his hands saying "Look. Normal size." My hope is that this winds him up even further, like the crowd sizes, because the more he melts down the better chance that he loses.
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"....Trump’s key supporters remain male voters, the 45-64 age group, and white voters with no college education...."

Well I never, who would have guessed. :mrgreen:
Gas112 with his 1 O level in pipe bending
Gas112 with his 1 O level in pipe bending
Did he get Q1 correct?
Q1 What is your name?
So he wrote, "oh deary me, Ancient mystery that we will never know the answer to, the nurse keeps the meds. What is it ?"
Has anyone heard when Kamala might be doing a press interview?
“She’s not smart enough to do a news conference,” the former president has said.

Actually, one could argue that she’s too smart to do one.
And why should she, at least at this time? Her polling numbers continue to climb.
Has anyone heard when Kamala might be doing a press interview?

Definitely not until after after the Democrat convention, which starts Monday. She says by the end of the month. There's a danger for Trump in making such a big deal about this, because expectations will be so low. Kamala Harris has been many times better so far than anyone expected. With a respected, but hand picked interviewer, I'm confident she'll be just fine.
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