Can Kamala Harris win?

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oh deary deary me you think the draft was purely about Vietnam thats probably Odds thought pattern to
Are we talking about the Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea War or Vietnam War?
The 'draft' between the Korean War and the Vietnam War existed but was not implemented to the same degree as during the conflicts.
In fact, the argument was that keeping the threat of the draft was to ensure sufficient number of volunteers.
Volunteers would be given preferential treatment over conscripted men. This included choice of service and posting.

But to be exact, you are correct in that the law for registration for potential conscription was active from the Civil War to 1973.
The registration was restarted in 1980 for a future draft, if needed.
So there is a subtle difference between registration for conscription, if needed, and active conscription.
and other than that here is a quote from the obama election campaign about his vice president take note of the date .
Documents provided by the Obama campaign indicate Biden received a classification questionnaire in October 1963, when he was enrolled at the University of Delaware, and received his first 2-S student deferment a month later. Additional deferments were granted in roughly 12-month intervals, the last coming in January 1968.

Sep 1, 2008
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i see another one who thinks the draft was only about the vietnam war

I knew an American lad that spent years dodging the draft, joining the National Guard was a well known one but he didn't fancy that so he joined the merchant navy wrongly thinking that would exclude him, it didn't. Just as the net was closing in, he did what many good Jewish boys did and fled the country, for Israel.
Last time our paths crossed, sometime around 1980, he looked a broken man having spent 2 years in the Israeli army.
I knew an American lad that spent years dodging the draft, joining the National Guard was a well known one but he didn't fancy that so he joined the merchant navy wrongly thinking that would exclude him, it didn't. Just as the net was closing in, he did what many good Jewish boys did and fled the country, for Israel.
Last time our paths crossed, sometime around 1980, he looked a broken man having spent 2 years in the Israeli army.
Coast guard was also a favourite but several thousand ended up being deployed
and other than that here is a quote from the obama election campaign about his vice president take note of the date .
Documents provided by the Obama campaign indicate Biden received a classification questionnaire in October 1963, when he was enrolled at the University of Delaware, and received his first 2-S student deferment a month later. Additional deferments were granted in roughly 12-month intervals, the last coming in January 1968.

Sep 1, 2008
All men from the ages of nineteen to twenty-five inclusive, if found eligible, were liable to be selected for a twenty-one month term of active-duty service in the armed forces of the United States. After completing this term, men had to serve in a reserve component of the armed forces for five years.
From your link.
That was the idea of the registration. It doesn't mean that they were conscripted.
It means they were liable for conscription, if eligible, if there was an active draft programme existing.
It was to encourage volunteers.
From your link.
That was the idea of the registration. It doesn't mean that they were conscripted.
It means they were liable for conscription, if eligible, if there was an active draft programme existing.
and the draft programme was active hence why BIden got his first call up in 1963 you know the year before the Tonkin do try and keep up
and the draft programme was active hence why BIden got his first call up in 1963 you know the year before the Tonkin do try and keep up
It was deferred.
That was the programme: issue conscription papers, defer them, ad infinitum. That's the way volunteers were encouraged.

Based on our research, the claim that Biden received five draft deferments is TRUE. He was granted five deferments as a student before he received a medical exemption for asthma. Similarly, Trump was granted four deferments as a student before his exemption for bone spurs.
As the viral meme says, Biden played football and worked as a lifeguard in high school — details he included in his memoir,
Similarly, the New York Times observed that Trump had played football, tennis, and squash, and "seemed the picture of health" prior to his medical exemption.

Why the focus on Biden, he's not running for POTUS, Trump and Kamala are.
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It was deferred.
That was the programme: issue conscription papers, defer them, ad infinitum. That's the way volunteers were encouraged.
you missing the fact that biden as well as the others that didnt want to join had to ASK for them to be deferred otherwise he was conscripted
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you missing the fact that biden as well as the others that didnt want to join had to ASK for them to be differed otherwise he was conscripted
Yes, just like Trump. As a student, it was automatic deferment. :rolleyes:
But you support Trump, yet you think Biden shouldn't be elected for "dodging the draft", just like Trump. :rolleyes:
Yes, just like Trump. As a student, it was automatic deferment. :rolleyes:
But you support Trump, yet you think Biden shouldn't be elected for "dodging the draft", just like Trump. :rolleyes:
no it wasnt an automatic deferment you had to apply and many college students actually accepted the draft .
Where did i say Biden shouldnt have been elected why do you feel the need to lie ?
And its not me who thinks Biden shouldnt be elected its his own party that hung the poor guy out to dry . His speech on monday should be interesting
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