Can Kamala Harris win?

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According to Statista, the reported violent crime rate in the United States has decreased since 1990, from 758.20 crimes in 1991 to 363.6 in 2014. In 2022, the FBI reported about 1.23 million violent crimes, including 893,980 aggravated assaults. The District of Columbia had the highest violent crime rate in 2022. The decline in violent crime rates has not been steady, however. For example, the murder rate increased significantly in 2020, and remained higher than before the pandemic in 2022. Preliminary data for 2023 suggests that the murder rate may have dropped again.
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look at the crime figures for the city the democrats chose for the conference violent crime up 18% in past ten years with an 11% rise in 2023 and arrests down a staggering 43% in ten years
See a republican councillor has been charged with self pleasuring in public

before that another gop member had his phone seized by the authorities, wonder why
And Kamala is to be impeached by some GOPs I read.
Perhaps he had been looking at tractors, like Neil Parish.
US crime - it needs a much wider scope than violent and murder. It also needs to include ethnic aspects.

Trump has started hitting much harder on immigrants . Usual claims and similarities to what some on here see as a boat person problems. Fact is that under Biden the numbers arriving have declined as they have introduced much stricter controls on entries. Also not all that long ago data suggests that Biden was very near matching Trump's deportations. It seems Mexico action also figure but that probably relates to people coming from countries that are further south. One reason for some of those
Trump imposed economic sanctions in August 2017 that affected Venezuela's petroleum industry by prohibiting the trading of Venezuelan bonds in U.S. markets.
Actually it looks like it ended their oil exports.
Kennedy suspends campaign and endorses Trump

Kennedy was previously a democrat candidate, but he is a known spreader of conspiracy theories.
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Kennedy suspends campaign and endorses Trump

I've just watched a bit of his announcement. Apparently, Trump has told him that he wants his legacy to be reducing chronic disease and childhood obesity and that he wants RFK Jr. to be in charge of it all. And that's why he is endorsing Trump :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
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