Hi, my Y plan ch will only come on warm to hot when hw is on, i had engineer out who said everything was working but was scratching his head as to where the return pipe was to the boiler and said he could do no more. i had danfoss hsa 3 which got very warm whether connected to the valve or not so i replaced it, , still the same, i replaced ch thermostat and programmer, no change, after months of messing i realised i had removed a rad and had joined the in pipe to the out, I've now put in a valve in the off position and thought this must be the problem, now i get very hot rads when hw is on with ch on but the boiler will only come on for 30 seconds when ch comes on on its own, any ideas as this has been a pain for nearly 2 years and no-one seams to know what to do.
This is the original post and typical of an electrical fault.
I would almost say the pump is wired wrong but really need to pics.
well you should read the rest of the posts
since that post
the electrics have been checked
valve operation has been checked
valves been replaced
valve body has been manually operated
pump has been checked that it is operating while on heating
boiler has been checked that it has a demand while on heating demand
it looks as though the return for the cyl is 28mm as is the flow
it looks as though the return for the rad circuit could in 15mm and the flow for the rads in 28mm down to 22mm
system wise
the boiler works as expected as long as the cylinder with its 28mm flow and return are connected hydraulically
if the boiler is connected hydraulically to the rad circuit then the system doesn't work, the boiler shows signs of poor flow rate (kettling, getting to stat cut off set-point too quickly etc)
so we have a boiler connected to two circuits via a common pump
boiler works fine if both circuits are open
boiler works fine if one circuit is open
but not the other as this one one its own cause's the boiler to cut out too quickly or kettle then cut out if the stats turned up to compensate
why do you think the boiler is behaving this way connected to one circuit and not the other?
add in the fact that the system looks as though it could be an old gravity hot water open vented system converted (not very well by the looks of it ) to fully pumped and one circuit looks like its plumbed in 28mm while the other is in 22mm reducing to 15
what do you think might wrong with the boiler,(well system really) judging by the above description of the fault ?