Chlorine washed chicken

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Plenty of other news outlets reported it...BBC, Sky News, Independent, Huff' post....

I'll just keep waiting then.......(y)
But I have told you, that he didn't beg 11 times and you can't prove that I wasn't there so by your logic, it must be the truth..
But I have told you, that he didn't beg 11 times and you can't prove that I wasn't there so by your logic, it must be the truth..
I also said the story has not been redacted or disproved by any news sources. Play fair. I'd like to see evidence to the contrary please. At least a denial by Trump or Merkel. Anything?
Ill wait.....:whistle:
Plenty of other news outlets reported it...BBC, Sky News, Independent, Huff' post....

I'll just keep waiting then.......(y)

If a variety of outlets just repeat the original story, doesn't make it any more valid.

Did all of the various outlets have their own reporters present?

And BTW, Huff's MO is too merely reproduce other's content.
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If a variety of outlets just repeat the original story, doesn't make it any more valid
Nor does it make it false. The fact that the story is somewhat inflammatory and condescending towards Trump, you'd think someone somewhere would have given the usual 'fake news' tag to it before now.

I guess I shall just have to go on believing the truth. Thanks for your concern though guys.
The left wing libertards will jump on anything that makes trump look amatuerish.
Its claimed some "official" said trump had to ask 11 times. Its all over the internet like a cancer.
Obviously some poor old embittered anti trump remoaner with an axe to grind. LoL
And the left wing media laps it up.
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I never claimed it did: you went for the "weight of numbers" defence, when that was likely to be irrelevant: if x outlets merely "plagiarise" content, that doesn't in itself make it more worthy.
I also went for the 'show me where the story is false' and the ' the story has not been redacted or denied by Trump or Merkel' approach, but you decided to stay strangely silent on those.

Ho hum. Night night.
Trump denies the truth, so any denial is pretty meaningless anyway.
Why would Merkel gain anything by commenting either way?

Enjoy your feather :)
Trump denies the truth, so any denial is pretty meaningless anyway.
Pretty meaningless I agree. However meaningless, there was still no denial. And Trump loves denial. But not on this occasion.

Sorry lads - fail. And miserably. Do try harder.
I suppose you don't mind gargling with bleach either.(y)
You've never gone swimming at the local pool and copped a gobful?

As for antibiotics and the need for Chlorine washing, just buy good quality free-range chicken treated well (so there is no stress and no need for AB's) and slaughtered well (so the meat is not riddled with bacteria).

The reason we have these god-awful practices is because consumers demand cheap meat. Don't buy it.
You've never gone swimming at the local pool and copped a gobful?
Is it the same as eating chlorine washed chicken?

just buy good quality free-range chicken treated well (so there is no stress and no need for AB's) and slaughtered well (so the meat is not riddled with bacteria).

The reason we have these god-awful practices is because consumers demand cheap meat. Don't buy it.
Someone else mentioned about letting your wallet decide on the quality of the food you buy.......
No doubt supermarkets will incorporate a multi tier displays amongst their shelves.
Expensive organic produce.
Less expensive EU/UK approved stuff.
Cheap US stuff.
It can then be up to the choice and wallet of the consumer to decide.
Not will, they already do.

The expensive stuff is usually eye-line.
Not will, they already do.

The expensive stuff is usually eye-line.
I meant when (if) we start trading with the US in earnest. I was referring to a proposed third shelf full of cheap US stuff. I know the others exist, I saw my missus do some shopping once.
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