Chlorine washed chicken

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Merkel had to explain 11 times to Trump when he persistently begged her for a deal with Germany.

(Sigh). Yes, because of what has been reported. You will be surprised to know I was not in the room when Trump begged Merkel 11 times.
The story has not been discredited or redacted or its accuracy questioned. That is enough truth for me without actually being there.

Germany. Begged to deal with Germany. Eleven times. Your words.

Deal or no deal - who cares about the US/EU relationship. According to Quitters, it will make no difference to the US's relationship with the UK. Trump has promised a bigly deal with the UK....soon.

Does not change the fact that Trump is desperate (11 times) to deal with the EU. :whistle:

EU. Begged to deal with EU. Eleven times. Your words.

You think / want to believe that Trump "wants" to deal with the EU as a whole.
Others don't.
Like I said before, crumbs from the German table.
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For ten times he did not get it. On the 11th he did. "Let's deal with the EU then" is what he said. Dealing with the Gerries comes with baggage. He will HAVE to deal with the EU if he wants the benefits of cheaper superior German products. Geddit yet?
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But how does that help the German workers? The cars for the Chinese market are built in China.... Doh!
And the profits go where?
Duh is back on you dummy.
They need the Chinese and all the other outsourced manufacturers just to meet demand. Thank goodness for cheap overseas labour.
The Gerries have enough to do just to count their profits.(y)
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That's your interpretation of events.
Based on what was reported.
I knew we would get there in the end. Did you really need it explaining.

By the way, no one has shown anything to the contrary. Feel free to though. Ill wait. :whistle:
I knew we would get there in the end. Did you really need it explaining.

By the way, no one has shown anything to the contrary. Feel free to though. Ill wait. :whistle:
I was there, and he didn't beg 11 times as you claim.... Now then, prove I wasn't there.
You've never heard of the concept of editorialising, then?

What possible slant could Business Insider want to put on events, I wonder?

Business Insider.
Owned by Axel Springer.

Among Axel Springer corporate principles:

  1. To uphold liberty and law in Germany, a country belonging to the Western family of nations, and to further the unification of Europe.
Hardly likely to write anything that might show anything other than a completely united EU.....
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