Conservative vote winner?

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The Swedes believe they face a threat from Russia, this could explain it.
Britain is different, in that Russia has never aspired to invade Britain militarily.
Conflicts with Russia in the past have geopolitical and imperial in nature.
It has threatened to destroy the UK with nuclear missiles and regularly discussing this on state TV.
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because his skin is pink like gammon? get real.

It's nothing to do with skin colour for me. It's about attitude, anger, worldview. That's exactly what I've been saying all along. Right wingers seem to have a much greater tendency to get themselves steamed up.
and Indians don't bob their head all the time, so we can laugh at them when they do?

Gammon is a racial insult based on skin colour. Would you call a black man who was angry a gammon?
Gammon is an angry right winger. Fair game to any rational human being.
Small gov got a mention at one point - fewer civil servants. This shows ongoing who ever is in. May bump up for a variety of reasons. Actually more recently it looks like it has

It's nothing to do with skin colour for me. It's about attitude, anger, worldview.
Well at least you have it exactly correct. The skin colour is imagined or might be real if high blood pressure.
In 2010, Caitlin Moran wrote that British Prime Minister David Cameron resembled "a slightly camp gammon robot" and "a C3PO made of ham" in her 13 March column in The Times,[6] later collected in her 2012 anthology Moranthology.

Imagine an angry person to the extent they have a red face.
why gammon though - is it because their skin colour is the same as a gammon? We know it is.

Do you mean people who are always pink? Or those that turn pink when angry?

Whatever the original meaning, these days, to me, it just means any right winger who gets really furious and lathered up. Whatever their skin colour. That's just my take on it.
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