Conservative vote winner?

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I think it ha
You have to wonder how many of the pro national service mob ever did any national service.

The last conscripts were born in 1944 so eighty years or more by now. So it's possible there's a few, but not many I'd guess.

For the younger member's they might have served in the forces but most ex service people hate the idea.

I'll go out on a limb and say they're mostly armchair patriots
I think it had been radically reduced quite a few years earlier, so the bulk of surviving national service men are in their late 80’s upwards. It would have been good if these arm chair patriots had thought about the consequences of accepting russsian money for brexhit campaigning
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You have to wonder how many of the pro national service mob ever did any national service.
A much older than me cousin of mine was in the last call up. Being called up was the norm up to that point. His concern looking for his first job when he came out. He would be older than others looking for theirs. Given his general interests and the career he finished up with I would say it probably did interfere.
The film 'The Virgin Soldiers' is a good example how ineffective conscripted troops are. Hywel Bennet plays a character straight from civvy street and sent into the Malay jungle with barely any idea which foot to put in front of the other. All sorts of folk have stepped forward to say what a bad idea this is....even Farrage says it's dumb.
The film 'The Virgin Soldiers' is a good example how ineffective conscripted troops are. Hywel Bennet plays a character straight from civvy street and sent into the Malay jungle with barely any idea which foot to put in front of the other. All sorts of folk have stepped forward to say what a bad idea this is....even Farrage says it's dumb.
A type of folk have commented on here about how good an idea it is

The 2 sides don't agree, I wonder where the sensible answer is.
The Virgin Soldiers' is a good example how ineffective conscripted troops are.
Some accurate reports on the D Day landing make another point. People did brave things once they realised that they would die if they didn't. Things progressed at that point.

Trench fighting. Whistle blows. Get up and out and fight or be shot by your own side if you don't. One of my grandad's who had direct experience added another point - your likely to be dead anyway if you don't when the other side attack.

Ukraine have mentioned similar problems. Fact is some will find they can't do it. So called seasoned troops are more effective. The term shell shock sometimes get used. Ukraine field hospitals have pointed out that it's hard to help them.

Another type of war where one side is significantly superior. Less of a problem in some ways and maybe make use of the Kurds or others as well.
It is very nice of Rishi Sunak to boost the Labour youth vote

cheers Rishi
It is very nice of Rishi Sunak to boost the Labour youth vote

cheers Rishi
Would that be the same Brexit hating, protesting youth who were going to rally up and vote the Tories out at the last GE? If it is, everyone had better get ready for another Tory landslide when they fail, yet again, to get out of their beds and go up and vote!
Would that be the same Brexit hating, protesting youth who were going to rally up and vote the Tories out at the last GE? If it is, everyone had better get ready for another Tory landslide when they fail, yet again, to get out of their beds and go up and vote!
Actually 60% of the Youth, under 24, voted at the 2019 election... the highest percentage on record Whilst the over the 45's saw a 12% drop in voting choosing to sit on their sofa's.
Actually 60% of the Youth, under 24, voted at the 2019 election... the highest percentage on record Whilst the over the 45's saw a 12% drop in voting choosing to sit on their sofa's.
so with the increased tory majority last time it looks like the young didnt vote labour
so with the increased tory majority last time it looks like the young didnt vote labour
No, they voted labour by 8 to 1.... just with falling birth rates there are just not that many of them any more, the cohort that was able to vote was the lowest on record.... another great tory idea shows up years after they do a quick con trick on the electorate...demonise the young having children...remember that when John Major was prime minster, the scourge of our society - unmarried young mothers - how dare teenage mothers have babies... when in fact we needed all the babies we could get, oh and by the way what did we have to replace them with...mass immigration so that the ever increasing elderly cohort could get their bums wiped.
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