Conservative vote winner?

What a snowflake thing to say, one wonders how 1.3 billion Muslims will take it that you find their very name offensive...lets hope they are not such snowflakes and get all offended by it.
I doubt they're all reading this tbh.
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I do like a nice bit of gammon, but high blood pressure means its off limits 99% of the year sadly
other groups also apply - as you pointed out orange can be gammon too.

It’s a low brow insult, but it is nothing like the other two which are just racist. If you don't like being thought of as a gammon you don't have to be one.
So you are a labour loving Corbyn fanatic. Got it
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Too much hatred about.

One thing I know for a fact is we all have to live together. So let's just try, to be decent to one another.
You have to wonder how many of the pro national service mob ever did any national service.

The last conscripts were born in 1944 so eighty years or more by now. So it's possible there's a few, but not many I'd guess.

For the younger member's they might have served in the forces but most ex service people hate the idea.

I'll go out on a limb and say they're mostly armchair patriots
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