Covid Inquiry

So you ”don’t believe everything you watch or read”

on what basis?

what makes you not believe it?

It is either:

A) uninformed bias or prejudice


B) you believe an alternative source.

So which is it, A or B?
Or none of the above
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As you so clearly are with many topics in here . Thou doth protest too much just admit you are as gullible as they come
Poor gas, so easily brainwashed by conspiracists.

you believe covid was made in a lab….but you can’t provide any evidence.

So why do you believe it?

You are like all conspiracists: you think you know better, it gives your fragile ego a boost, thinking you are the clever one. You aren’t.
Or none of the above

You don’t believe what you see on mainstream media.

So what informs your opinion then?

where do you get your knowledge from, I’d love to know as apparently you know the truth….and you say that’s not the MSM.

somcome on provide some examples of your great sources, where the real truth exists
Poor gas, so easily brainwashed by conspiracists.

you believe covid was made in a lab….but you can’t provide any evidence.

So why do you believe it?

You are like all conspiracists: you think you know better, it gives your fragile ego a boost, thinking you are the clever one. You aren’t.
pathetic attempt of a reply oh gullible one .
And give us your proof of a bat at a wet market oh that is right you cant despite you saying you KNOW it was the cause
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You don’t believe what you see on mainstream media.

So what informs your opinion then?

where do you get your knowledge from, I’d love to know as apparently you know the truth….and you say that’s not the MSM.

somcome on provide some examples of your great sources, where the real truth exists
I’ve made no claims other than you seem to lap up the msm narrative.

And you seem to be overreacting to that claim! I wonder why.
I’ve made no claims other than you seem to lap up the msm narrative
you say: "you seem to lap up the MSM narrative"

by making that statement you are stating the MSM narrative must be wrong

in which case you must have other sources which provide the real truth.

So what are your sources??

come on, you obviously know so much better than the MSM so you must have sources of information that prove them wrong

And you seem to be overreacting to that claim! I wonder why
by resorting to an emotive argument you are showing your need to deflect

try debating honestly by sticking with facts
It can also mean there's always more than one perspective other than the Mainstream Media.
And give us your proof of a bat at a wet market oh that is right you cant despite you saying you KNOW it was the cause
You still havent said whether you understand the difference between a lab leak and a leak of a ‘manmade’ virus
It can also mean there's always more than one perspective other than the Mainstream Media.
the "you only believe the MSM" is the goto argument used by conspiracists

they want to believe they are special people and only they know the truth, everybody else just believes the MSM and are sheep

Of course there is more than one perspective than the mainstream media, but where is that source of perspective? Whenever I ask people who claim MSM is wrong, they refuse to provide their sources -like NWGS for example (he claims he knows better than me, he claims Im easily manipulated, but notice how he avoids providing any alternative source that proves it)

you can look at any story and its all the same: Ukraine war, brexit, climate change, covid vaccines.
you can look at any story and its all the same: Ukraine war, brexit, climate change, covid vaccines.
Ukraine truth goes out of the window when there's a war on.
Brexit minefield if you didn't know your own mind.
Climate change. only one side of the story due to cancel culture.
Covid vaccines. Only one side of the story due to cancel culture.
Ukraine truth goes out of the window when there's a war on.
Brexit minefield if you didn't know your own mind.
Climate change. only one side of the story due to cancel culture.
Covid vaccines. Only one side of the story due to cancel culture.

where are your sources where you find the real truth?
It's nothing to do with finding the 'real truth' it's being able to make judgements on what seems plausible.
Take for instance leaving airports open when there's a pandemic on. Cummings getting his eyes tested and all the other mps having affairs and on the p*ss.
Did they know something that they weren't telling the plebs?
It's nothing to do with finding the 'real truth' it's being able to make judgements on what seems plausible

Thank you Gant for admitting what you believe is based on gut instinct

in other words what you believe simply fits with your bias
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