Covid Inquiry

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this is the thing

MSM media has bias, it has hidden agendas, it has a narrative that is not always the truth
but alternative sources also have their own bias and hidden agenda

All we can do is cross reference, fact check, refer back to original source of the data and make an informed decision
So your admitting you make judgements from the material at your disposal.
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Don't forget follow the science covid only came out after ten at night
oh so thaats why they closed schools and non essential shops

and could infect you if you were sitting down eating
less infectious than a crowded pub

Not forgetting those masks that fitted as well as whores knickers
the purpose of face coverings was to restrict how far a person breathe spread

they were not to protect the wearer but to protect others -the use of masks was justified because it allowed the safe distance to be reduced to a metre
In your opinion, how did you make that judgement?
its mostly fact not judgement

1) they didnt follow the rules, thats just fact

2) Johnson did go around shaking hands -he said so its just a fact

3) Johnson was admitted to hospital -thats a fact

4) Johnson was quite ill -he wen to hospital, we dont know how ill he was, but it was favourable to appear worse, so Id say it was exaggerated, thats is my opinion not based on fact
its mostly fact not judgement

1) they didnt follow the rules, thats just fact

2) Johnson did go around shaking hands -he said so its just a fact

3) Johnson was admitted to hospital -thats a fact

4) Johnson was quite ill -he wen to hospital, we dont know how ill he was, but it was favourable to appear worse, so Id say it was exaggerated, thats is my opinion not based on fact
So you were in close proximity to Johnston all this time and didn't have to rely on the media for your information.
Did you get his autograph.
What ****** is this you write, are you saying your an infant and can't make judgements on what is plausible and what's not.?

on covid matters I go and read scientific studies published on quality online journals like

I read articles by virologists, epidemiologists - like Chris Smith and Tim Spector for example.

you however read some sh1t on your aunty Ethel’s Facebook page and start drooling at how green jelly monsters are taking over the earth
So you were in close proximity to Johnston all this time and didn't have to rely on the media for your information.
Did you get his autograph.

Are you saying Johnson wasn’t in hospital - so you think it was staged? :ROFLMAO:
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